Application: Designing a RESTful Banking API with FastAPI and SQLAlchemy#

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the demand for efficient, reliable, and scalable solutions is ever increasing. The banking sector, being one of the most critical parts of the economy, is no exception to this trend. The days of traditional banking, characterized by long queues and time-consuming processes, are quickly being replaced by digital solutions that offer convenience, speed, and broad accessibility. This digital transformation has necessitated the development of robust and reliable banking systems that can handle a wide range of operations, from account management to complex transactions.

One of the key components of a modern banking system is an Application Programming Interface (API), which serves as the backbone for enabling internal and external communication and integration. In this context, Python’s FastAPI framework has emerged as a popular choice for creating RESTful APIs, thanks to its simplicity, speed, and scalability.

Problem Statement#

Modern banking systems require robust and secure APIs to manage accounts and facilitate various transactions. These APIs need to handle a variety of operations, ranging from account creation to complex transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, and transfers between accounts. Each of these operations involves specific requests and responses that must be accurately processed to ensure reliable functionality and data integrity.

In our simplified banking API system, we need to design and implement the following operations:

  1. Account Creation: A request to create a new account should include necessary information such as the account holder’s name and email. The response should confirm successful account creation and return the details of the created account, including a unique account ID.

  2. Account Retrieval: A request to retrieve an account should include the unique account ID. The response should return the details of the requested account, or an error if no such account exists.

  3. Account Update: A request to update an account should include the unique account ID and the new data. The response should confirm successful account update and return the details of the updated account, or an error if no such account exists.

  4. Account Deletion: A request to delete an account should include the unique account ID. The response should confirm successful account deletion, or an error if no such account exists.

  5. Deposit: A request to deposit money should include the account ID and the amount to be deposited. The response should confirm the successful deposit and return the details of the transaction.

  6. Withdrawal: A request to withdraw money should include the account ID and the amount to be withdrawn. The response should confirm the successful withdrawal and return the details of the transaction, or an error if the account has insufficient funds.

  7. Transfer: A request to transfer money should include the source account ID, the destination account ID, and the amount to be transferred. The response should confirm the successful transfer and return the details of the transaction, or an error if the source account has insufficient funds or if either account does not exist.


In the context of designing a RESTful API using FastAPI and SQLAlchemy, models refer to Python classes that represent the database entities (or tables) in our system. These models will serve as an abstraction layer for interacting with the database. They define the schema of the tables, the data types of each column, and any constraints such as primary and foreign keys.

FastAPI uses Pydantic models to validate incoming data, while SQLAlchemy models represent the database schema and enable interaction with the database. In the context of our banking system, we have two models: Account and Transaction.

  1. Account: This model represents a bank account. It might include fields like id (a unique identifier for each account), name (the account holder’s name), email (the account holder’s email), and balance (the current balance of the account).

  2. Transaction: This model represents a transaction that can occur on an account. It might include fields like id (a unique identifier for each transaction), account_id (a foreign key that links the transaction to an account), amount (the amount of money involved in the transaction), type (the type of transaction, such as deposit, withdrawal, or transfer), and timestamp (the date and time when the transaction occurred).

In our application, we’re using SQLAlchemy, an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Python, to define these models. With SQLAlchemy, each model is represented as a Python class, and instances of these classes can be directly mapped to rows in a database table. This allows us to interact with our database in a more Pythonic and intuitive way, as we can work with objects and classes instead of writing raw SQL queries.

Account Model#

The Account model represents a bank account. It has four fields: id, name, email, and balance, along with a transactions relationship field. The schema is represented in table format below:






Primary Key, Indexed






Unique, Indexed



Default = 0.0




  • id: This field is the primary key, meaning it uniquely identifies each record. In a relational database, every table must have a primary key. The index=True option improves lookup performance when querying on that field.

  • name: This field is indexed, meaning it’s optimized for searching. The index=True option improves lookup performance when querying on that field.

  • email: This field is unique, ensuring no two accounts have the same email.

  • balance: This field has a default value of 0.0, meaning if no value is provided, the account’s balance will be set to 0.0.

  • transactions: This is a relationship field which provides access to all related Transaction records. It doesn’t map to a specific column in the database, but rather is a collection of Transaction instances associated with an Account. For example, you can access the transactions for a specific account using account.transactions.

We define the corresponding Account model in Python using SQLAlchemy.

class Account(Base):
    __tablename__ = "accounts"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
    name = Column(String, index=True)
    email = Column(String, unique=True, index=True)
    balance = Column(Float, default=0.0)
    transactions = relationship("Transaction", back_populates="account")

The Primary Key is Automatically Incremented#

The id field in our Account model is automatically managed by SQLAlchemy and our underlying database system.

When you define a table in SQLAlchemy and specify a primary key field with primary_key=True, the underlying database system is set to automatically generate a unique value for this field every time a new record is inserted. This behavior is known as “auto-increment”.

In our Account model, you’ve specified id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True), which means that id is a primary key and will auto-increment for each new account you add. When you create a new Account instance and add it to the session, SQLAlchemy knows not to include the id in the INSERT statement because it will be automatically generated by the database.

As a result, when you commit the session after adding an account, the database generates a unique id for that account and SQLAlchemy fetches and assigns that id back to the id attribute of the Account instance in our Python code.

This is why you don’t need to manually add an id when creating a new Account. The id field is automatically handled by SQLAlchemy and our database, allowing you to focus on the other fields of our model.

We will see it in action later when we create a new account.

Transaction Model#

The Transaction model represents a financial transaction related to an account. It has five fields: id, account_id, amount, type, timestamp, and a account relationship field. The schema is represented in table format below:






Primary Key, Indexed



Foreign Key













  • id: This field is the primary key, uniquely identifying each transaction record.

  • account_id: This field is a foreign key linking the transaction to its associated account.

  • amount: This field stores the amount involved in the transaction.

  • type: This field indicates the type of the transaction (e.g., “deposit”, “withdrawal”, or “transfer”).

  • timestamp: This field records the date and time when the transaction took place.

  • account: This is a relationship field that provides access to the Account associated with the transaction.

We define the corresponding Transaction model in Python using SQLAlchemy.

class Transaction(Base):
    __tablename__ = "transactions"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
    account_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    amount = Column(Float)
    type = Column(String)
    timestamp = Column(DateTime)
    account = relationship("Account", back_populates="transactions")

To this end, the Account and Transaction models define the schema for the accounts and transactions tables, respectively, in our relational database.

Populate the Database#

Now that we’ve set up our database models, we need to populate our database with data. Populating the database with dummy data allows us to test our application under more realistic conditions, even before we have actual user data. It helps us to validate our database schema, relationships, and queries. For this purpose, we’ll use Python’s Faker library to generate realistic dummy data for our accounts and transactions tables.

To automate this process, we have created a script that generates a specified number of accounts and transactions, then inserts this data into the database. This script can be run independently or as part of a larger task (like an application startup script), and is modular enough to be modified or extended as necessary.

Here is the script that we will use to seed our database:

# Get the directory of the current script
CURRENT_DIR = Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

# Construct the path to the database file
DATABASE_URL = CURRENT_DIR / "database.db"

# Set up database URL as an environment variable for better flexibility

engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL)
SessionLocal = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

fake = Faker()

def create_fake_account() -> Account:
def create_fake_transaction(account_id: int) -> Transaction:
def seed_database(num_accounts: int = 50, min_transactions: int = 1, max_transactions: int = 5) -> None:
if __name__ == "__main__":

This script starts by setting up a connection to our database using SQLAlchemy. We then define helper functions to create fake Account and Transaction instances. The seed_database function creates a number of accounts and random transactions for each account, and then commits these to the database. We wrap the entire process in a transaction so that we can roll back if any errors occur. This helps to keep our database in a consistent state even when errors occur.

To run the script, simply execute the Python file. You can adjust the number of accounts and transactions created by changing the parameters of the seed_database function call in the if __name__ == "__main__" block.

Querying the Database#

Now that we’ve populated our database with dummy data, we can start querying it:

# Get the directory of the current script
CURRENT_DIR = Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

# Construct the path to the database file
DATABASE_URL = CURRENT_DIR / "database.db"

# Set up database URL as an environment variable for better flexibility


engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL)
SessionLocal = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = SessionLocal()

accounts = session.query(Account).all()  # Returns a list of all Account objects
for account in accounts:
    print(,,, account.balance)

The Engine, Session, and Base#

  1. engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL):

    This line is creating a new instance of SQLAlchemy’s engine. The engine is the starting point for any SQLAlchemy application. It’s “home base” for the actual database and its DBAPI, which provides connectivity to a particular database server. The SQLAlchemy engine is created by calling the create_engine() function and passing the connection string of the database to connect to. In this case, SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL is the connection string, which provides the details of the database server (type of database, database name, host, user, password, etc.).

  2. SessionLocal = sessionmaker(bind=engine):

    This line is creating a factory for SQLAlchemy sessions, bound to our engine. A session in SQLAlchemy is a workspace for all operations with the database. Objects are added to that session, and they are tracked as they are modified. Any changes made won’t be persisted into the database until the session is committed. The session maker SessionLocal is used to get new sessions when needed.

  3. Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine):

    This line is issuing a command to the database to create all tables defined in our SQLAlchemy models. Base.metadata.create_all() goes through each SQLAlchemy model, and for each table that doesn’t exist in the database, it generates the SQL command to create that table. The bind=engine parameter is telling it where to create these tables. In this case, it’s creating the tables in the database which the engine is connected to. It’s an idempotent operation, meaning you can call it multiple times and it will only create tables that don’t already exist.

To summarize, these lines are setting up the connection to our database and creating the necessary tables based on our SQLAlchemy models. They’re necessary for our application to interact with the database using SQLAlchemy.

What is relationship defined in SQLAlchemy?#

We have seen earlier in both Account and Transaction models, there is a relationship attribute. What does it mean?

The transactions relationship in the Account model is essentially a convenience for you to access all transactions associated with a specific account directly from the account instance. This feature is especially powerful when dealing with relationships (foreign keys) between tables, as it simplifies the process of querying and navigating these relations.

Let’s take an example:

Imagine you’ve got an instance of Account representing a particular bank account and you’d like to know all the transactions that have occurred with this account. Without the transactions relationship, you’d have to perform a separate query on the Transaction table to get this information:

session = SessionLocal()

ID = 1
account = session.query(Account).filter( == ID).one()
transactions = session.query(Transaction).filter(Transaction.account_id ==

Printing out the above would yield

    "_sa_instance_state": <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x106153820>,
    "name": "Lindsey Riley",
    "email": "",
    "balance": 3557.707193831535,
    "id": 1,


    "_sa_instance_state": <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x106237f40>,
    "amount": 383.6977248919248,
    "account_id": 1,
    "timestamp": datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 5, 8, 5, 55),
    "type": "deposit",
    "id": 1,


However, with the transactions relationship established in the Account model, SQLAlchemy automatically retrieves this data for you, and you can access it like a regular attribute:

account = session.query(Account).filter( == ID).one()
transactions = account.transactions

Printing out the transactions will be exactly the same as how you did it earlier.

The relationship attribute provides a high-level, Pythonic way to retrieve, add, and remove related objects, which makes it easier to write queries and manipulate data. It’s a powerful feature of SQLAlchemy’s ORM that lets you work with our data in a more intuitive and less error-prone way.

Session vs. SessionLocal#

The terms SessionLocal and Session refer to different concepts in SQLAlchemy:

  1. Session: In SQLAlchemy, a Session is the primary interface for persistence operations. It’s a class that allows you to create instances that represent a “workspace” of operations against the database. You use a Session instance to query the database and persist changes.

  2. SessionLocal: In the context of FastAPI and SQLAlchemy, SessionLocal is often used to denote a factory function that produces SQLAlchemy Session instances. It’s typically created by calling sessionmaker() with certain arguments, such as the database engine or connection, and other configuration options.

Here’s an example:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

engine = create_engine("sqlite:///example.db")
SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)

In this case, SessionLocal is a function that, when called, returns a new SQLAlchemy Session. This is useful in FastAPI applications, where you want to create a new Session for each request.

Then, in a FastAPI route, you might use SessionLocal to create a new Session:

def read_items(db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    items = db.query(Item).all()
    return items

In this case, db is an instance of Session created by calling SessionLocal(). This Session is used to query the database and is automatically closed at the end of the request.

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)#

Definition and Intuition#

Object-Relational Mapping, or ORM, is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems in object-oriented programming languages. In simple terms, it’s a way to create, retrieve, update, and delete records from a relational database using higher-level object-oriented programming languages, not SQL.

An ORM acts as a translator, allowing you to work with databases using our programming language of choice instead of writing SQL. It does this by mapping or tying database tables to classes in a programming language. The rows in these tables are then tied to instances (objects) of these classes, and columns in the rows are tied to attributes of these instances.


Let’s imagine you speak English, and you’re trying to communicate with someone who speaks French. You don’t know any French, and they don’t know any English. You could try to learn French, but that might take a lot of time and effort. Instead, you hire a translator who knows both languages. You speak in English, the translator translates our words into French for the other person, and vice versa. In this analogy, you are the object-oriented programming language, the French-speaking person is the SQL database, and the translator is the ORM.


Using Python’s SQLAlchemy ORM as an example, let’s look at the previously defined Account model:

class Account(Base):
    __tablename__ = "accounts"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
    name = Column(String, index=True)
    email = Column(String, unique=True, index=True)
    balance = Column(Float, default=0)
    transactions = relationship("Transaction", back_populates="account")

Here, the Account class is tied to the accounts table in the database via the ORM. Each instance of Account corresponds to a row in the accounts table, and each attribute of Account corresponds to a column in that row.

With an ORM like SQLAlchemy, you can perform database operations using Python, and SQLAlchemy translates these operations into SQL for you. For example, to insert a new account into the database, you could do:

session = SessionLocal()

new_account = Account(name="John Doe", email="", balance=100.0)

account_john = session.query(Account).filter( == "John Doe").one()

In the background, SQLAlchemy translates this into SQL and executes the SQL commands for you:

INSERT INTO accounts (name, email, balance) VALUES ('John Doe', '', 100.0);

As you can see, the benefit of using an ORM is that you can work with databases using the same programming language you’re using for the rest of our application, rather than switching between that language and SQL.

The Role of Base in SQLAlchemy’s ORM System#

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a powerful technique that connects the objects in our code to the tables in our database. In the world of Python, one of the popular ORMs is SQLAlchemy, and the cornerstone of this system is the Base class.

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Float
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

When we call declarative_base(), we’re creating a new base class from which all of our data models will inherit. This new class, Base, is equipped with a meta-database system that SQLAlchemy uses to orchestrate the communication between our Python classes and the corresponding database tables.

class Account(Base):

In the example above, Account is defined as a subclass of Base. By doing so, Account is now recognized by SQLAlchemy as a model that corresponds to a database table. In practice, this means that SQLAlchemy can now perform a series of database operations on the Account class. These operations include creating new records, querying existing ones, or updating and deleting records, all using Python rather than SQL.

When Account inherits from Base, it’s not just inheriting an empty class. Instead, it’s receiving SQLAlchemy’s special instrumentation system. This system includes various methods and attributes that tie Account into SQLAlchemy’s API for tasks such as querying, session tracking, and transaction handling.

However, the Base class is not a standalone feature. While it does transform Account into an ORM-aware class, its full potential is realized only when used in conjunction with other tools provided by SQLAlchemy, such as sessionmaker and create_engine. These tools work together with Base to form a complete ORM system, facilitating efficient and convenient interaction with our database.

To summarize, SQLAlchemy’s Base class is a vital piece in the ORM puzzle. It serves as a translator between our Python classes and the underlying database tables, simplifying data handling tasks and making our code more maintainable and scalable. By leveraging the power of Base and other SQLAlchemy components, you can focus more on the core logic of our application and less on the intricacies of database management.

2. Defining __tablename__

In SQLAlchemy, __tablename__ is a special attribute you set in our model classes that inherit from Base. It defines the name of the database table the model class corresponds to.

For example, in the Account class, __tablename__ = "accounts" tells SQLAlchemy that the Account class corresponds to the accounts table in the database. SQLAlchemy will look for this table when performing operations related to the Account class.

Moving on from Data (Models) to RESTful API (Endpoints)#

As the goal of the article is to guide the reader through building a FastAPI application, it would be logical to start with setting up the database models using SQLAlchemy. This foundational step is crucial before we move on to defining the FastAPI application and its endpoints (requests and responses).

We have explained on how to define the Account and Transaction models, how to set up the SQLite engine, and how to create a session for interacting with the database.

Once the models and database setup are explained, we can then proceed to the “Creating the FastAPI Application” section. This part would cover how to define the routes (endpoints) for our API, how to handle incoming requests, and what responses to return. The readers would learn how to implement all the required operations (e.g., creating an account, depositing money, etc.) and how to use the HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to manipulate data.


The very first thing users should understand about RESTful APIs, especially when dealing with web applications, is the concept of endpoints and HTTP methods. An endpoint refers to a specific URL where an API can be accessed, and an HTTP method defines what type of operation to perform.

In the context of RESTful APIs, an endpoint is a specific URL where our API can be accessed. Each endpoint is associated with a specific function or resource. For example, in a banking application, you might have /accounts endpoint for managing accounts and a /transactions endpoint for managing transactions.

Let’s say you’re creating a RESTful API for a simple banking application. Here are two basic endpoints: one for managing accounts (/accounts), and one for managing transactions (/transactions).

First, you need to import the necessary modules and create an instance of FastAPI:

from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from typing import List, Dict, Union

app = FastAPI()

Then we create a variable accounts that is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents an account and contains the account’s id, name, email and balance.

# This list of dictionaries will act as our "database"
accounts = [
    {"id": 1, "name": "John Doe", "email": "", "balance": 100.0},
    {"id": 2, "name": "Jane Doe", "email": "", "balance": 200.0},

def get_account_by_id(account_id: int) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]:
    """Return the account with the given id."""
    for account in accounts:
        if account["id"] == account_id:
            return account
    return {}  # Return an empty dict if no account was found

The function get_account_by_id takes in an account_id and returns the account with the given account_id if it exists. If no account is found, it returns an empty dictionary.

Now, let’s create a GET endpoint for /accounts that retrieves a list of all accounts:

async def get_accounts() -> List[Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]]:
    """Return all accounts."""
    return accounts

Similarly, we can do the same for transactions:

transactions = [
        "id": 1,
        "account_id": 1,
        "amount": 50.0,
        "type": "deposit",
        "timestamp": "2023-08-05T14:00:00Z",
        "id": 2,
        "account_id": 2,
        "amount": -20.0,
        "type": "withdrawal",
        "timestamp": "2023-08-05T14:00:00Z",

def get_transaction_by_id(transaction_id: int) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]:
    """Return the transaction with the given id."""
    for transaction in transactions:
        if transaction["id"] == transaction_id:
            return transaction
    return {}  # Return an empty dict if no transaction was found

Let’s create a GET endpoint for /transactions that retrieves a list of all transactions:

async def get_transactions() -> List[Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]]:
    """Return all transactions."""
    return transactions

Running the FastAPI Application#

Once you’ve designed our models, populated our database, and defined our API endpoints, the next step is to actually run our FastAPI application.

FastAPI applications are run using an ASGI server. ASGI, or Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface, is a standard interface between ASGI web servers and Python web applications. It is an evolution of the older WSGI standard that is built to handle asynchronous operations and WebSockets in addition to standard HTTP requests.

The most common ASGI server for FastAPI applications is uvicorn. Here’s how to install it:

pip install uvicorn

Once uvicorn is installed, you can run our FastAPI application using the following command:

uvicorn <APP_NAME>:app --reload

In this command, the first <APP_NAME> before the colon is the name of our Python file (i.e., if our python script that holds the app logic is named, without the .py extension. The second app after the colon is the FastAPI instance you created in that file (i.e., app = FastAPI()). The --reload flag enables hot reloading, which means the server will automatically update whenever you make changes to our code. This is very useful during development, but should not be used in a production environment.

Once the server is running, you can open our browser and visit http://localhost:8000 to see our application. FastAPI also automatically generates interactive API documentation for our application. You can access this by visiting http://localhost:8000/docs in our browser. The documentation allows you to see all our API routes, and you can even try out requests directly in our browser.

What uvicorn does is it essentially acts as the link between our FastAPI application and the outside world. It listens for incoming HTTP requests, passes them to our application, and then sends the responses back to the client. The ASGI specification allows it to handle multiple requests concurrently, which is a key feature for modern web applications.

Now, if you run our FastAPI application and navigate to http://localhost:8000/accounts in our web browser, you would see a list of all accounts. Similarly, navigating to http://localhost:8000/transactions would show a list of all transactions. The @app.get decorator tells FastAPI that when a GET request is made to the /accounts or /transactions endpoint, it should call the corresponding function (read_accounts or read_transactions).

So, when you run our FastAPI application and visit http://localhost:8000/accounts in our browser or send a GET request to this URL using a tool like curl or Postman, you’re making a request to the /accounts endpoint.

curl http://localhost:8000/accounts

This sends a GET request to the /accounts endpoint, and the server should respond with the JSON data for the accounts, which in our case will be the hardcoded list of accounts and will return me exactly what I see in the browser

        "id": 1,
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": "",
        "balance": 100.0
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "email": "",
        "balance": 200.0

Similarly, you can send a GET request to the /transactions endpoint like so:

curl http://localhost:8000/transactions

And the server should respond with the hardcoded list of transactions:

        "id": 1,
        "account_id": 1,
        "amount": 50.0,
        "type": "deposit",
        "timestamp": "2023-08-05T14:00:00Z"
        "id": 2,
        "account_id": 2,
        "amount": -20.0,
        "type": "withdrawal",
        "timestamp": "2023-08-05T14:00:00Z"

This way you are communicating with our FastAPI application through its endpoints using curl.

In addition to the URL, each endpoint also involves an HTTP method, which determines what type of operation is being performed. The most common methods are GET (retrieve data), POST (send data), PUT (update data), DELETE (remove data), among others.

In the code example I gave you, the /accounts endpoint is associated with the GET method, meaning it’s used to retrieve data. If you wanted to create an endpoint for sending (posting) data, you would use the decorator instead.

Notice that the above examples are all hardcoded values and we did not use our previously defined database. We shall slowly build up the complexity in the section piecing it all together.

What’s Async?#

Using async in our get_accounts function declaration allows FastAPI to use asynchronous I/O (input/output) when handling requests to this endpoint.

When a function is declared with async, it becomes a coroutine that can be paused and resumed, allowing it to yield control while waiting for I/O operations (like querying a database, requesting data from another server, reading a file, etc.) to complete. This is extremely beneficial in the context of a web server, where I/O-bound tasks are common.

In our get_accounts function, even though the function itself doesn’t perform any I/O operations or contain any await expressions, declaring it as async allows FastAPI to handle requests to this endpoint asynchronously. This means that while one request is being processed, FastAPI can start processing another.

Here is a simplified example:

  1. Request A comes in to get accounts. FastAPI starts processing this request by calling our get_accounts function.

  2. While FastAPI is waiting for the get_accounts function to complete for Request A, Request B comes in.

  3. Because get_accounts is a coroutine (declared with async), FastAPI can pause its execution on Request A and start processing Request B. This is possible even if get_accounts doesn’t actually contain any I/O operations or await expressions.

So, using async allows FastAPI to more efficiently handle multiple requests at once, improving the overall performance of our application.



  • An endpoint is a specific URL where an API can be accessed. For instance, /accounts and /transactions are examples of endpoints in our application.

  • A request involves several elements, including:

    • an HTTP method (like GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE)

    • a URI (the endpoint being targeted)

    • headers (optional metadata about the request)

    • a body (data being sent with the request)

The endpoint is the destination of a request. You send a request to a particular endpoint to perform some operation, and the operation you’re performing is determined by the HTTP method. So in the command curl http://localhost:8000/accounts, http://localhost:8000/accounts is the endpoint and the request is a GET request to that endpoint.

  • The endpoint is indeed the “where”, the address of the resource you want to interact with.

  • The HTTP method is the “what”, the action you want to perform on the resource.

  • The headers can be thought of as the “extras”, providing additional instructions or information about the request.

  • The body would be better described as the “content” or “details”, containing the specific data you want to send or manipulate.

“The endpoint is the ‘where’, the HTTP method is the ‘what’, the headers are the ‘extras’, and the body is the ‘content’.”

An analogy for this could be sending a letter via post:

  • The endpoint is like the address you’re sending our letter to.

  • The HTTP method is like the type of mail you’re sending (standard, express, registered, etc.).

  • The headers are like any special instructions you give to the post office or write on the envelope (handle with care, return receipt requested, etc.).

  • The body is like the content of our letter.


URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) is essentially the URL you’re sending a request to. In the context of APIs, the URI often includes the base URL of the API server, plus any endpoint-specific path. For example, in http://localhost:8000/accounts, localhost:8000 is the base URL, and /accounts is the specific endpoint.

The below illustration is taken from madewithml.

Parts of the URI Description
scheme protocol definition
domain address of the website
port endpoint
path location of the resource
query string parameters to identify resources
anchor location on webpage
Parts of the path Description
/models collection resource of all models
/models/{modelID} single resource from the models collection
modelId path parameters
filter query parameter

We will revisit this section later.

HTTP Methods#

This is the type of HTTP request you’re making. The most common methods are GET (retrieve data), POST (send data), PUT (update data), and DELETE (remove data). In our examples, we’re using the GET method to retrieve data from our API.

The four horsemen GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE are the most common HTTP methods and are often referred to as CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).

GET (Read)#

The GET method is used to retrieve data from the server. In a RESTful API, a GET request to a specific endpoint generally retrieves a list or a specific record. For example, a GET request to /accounts might retrieve a list of all accounts, while a GET request to /accounts/{account_id} would retrieve the details of a specific account.

We have not implemented the GET request to an individual account yet.

async def get_account(account_id: int) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]:
    """Return the account with the given id."""
    account = get_account_by_id(account_id)
    if not account:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Account not found")
    return account

Now a GET request to /accounts/1 would return the details of the account associated with the id 1.

    "id": 1,
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "",
    "balance": 100.0

Revisiting the URI will yield:

where accounts is the “models” and 1 is the modelId, an unique identifier.

POST (Create)#

The POST method in HTTP is used to send data to the server to create a new resource. In a RESTful API, a POST request to a specific endpoint generally creates a new record.

Here’s an example of how to implement a POST endpoint to create a new account:"/accounts")
async def create_account(
    account: Dict[str, Union[str, float]]
) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]:
    """Create a new account with the given details."""
    # Here we're just adding the account to our list
    # In a real application, you would save the account to our database
    account_id = max(a["id"] for a in accounts) + 1  # Generate a new ID
    account["id"] = account_id
    return account

In this example, we’re using the decorator to create a new POST endpoint at /accounts. The create_account function takes a parameter account which is a dictionary representing the account to be created.

You can invoke this endpoint by making a POST request to with a JSON body containing the account details. Here’s how you can do it with the curl command:

curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"name": "Alice", "email": "", "balance": 300.0}' \

Here’s what each part does:

  • curl: This is the command-line tool used to send HTTP requests.

  • -X POST: This option specifies the HTTP method of the request, which in this case is POST.

  • -H "Content-Type: application/json": This option sets the Content-Type header of the request to application/json, indicating that the body of the request is formatted as JSON.

  • -d '{"name": "Alice", "email": "", "balance": 300.0}': This option specifies the body of the request. The -d stands for “data”. The string following -d is a JSON object containing the data for the new account.

  • This is the URL that the request is sent to. In this case, it’s the local address (, also known as localhost) and port 8000, followed by the /accounts endpoint.

You should get a response with the details of the created account, including its automatically assigned ID. Note that in a real application, you would likely want to perform data validation and error checking to ensure that the provided account details are valid and complete.

PUT (Update)#

In a RESTful API, a PUT request is generally used to update a specific record. For example, a PUT request to /accounts/{id} with the necessary data in the request body might update the details of a specific account.

Let’s create a PUT route to update an account:

async def update_account(
    account_id: int, account_data: Dict[str, Union[str, float]]
) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]:
    """Update an existing account with the given details."""
    # Find the account to update
    for account in accounts:
        if account["id"] == account_id:
            # Update the fields
            if "name" in account_data:
                account["name"] = account_data["name"]
            if "email" in account_data:
                account["email"] = account_data["email"]
            if "balance" in account_data:
                account["balance"] = account_data["balance"]
            return account
    raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Account not found")

This is a simple example of how you might implement a PUT route to update an account. A PUT request to /accounts/{account_id} with a JSON body containing the new account data will update the specified account.

You can test this route with a curl command like this:

curl -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"name": "Alice Smith", "balance": 500.0}' \

Here’s what each part does:

  • curl: This is the command-line tool used to send HTTP requests.

  • -X PUT: This option specifies the HTTP method of the request, which in this case is PUT. PUT is typically used for updating an existing resource.

  • -H "Content-Type: application/json": This option sets the Content-Type header of the request to application/json, indicating that the body of the request is formatted as JSON.

  • -d '{"name": "Alice Smith", "balance": 500.0}': This option specifies the body of the request. The -d stands for “data”. The string following -d is a JSON object containing the new data for the account. In this case, we’re updating the account’s name and balance.

  • This is the URL that the request is sent to. In this case, it’s the local address (, also known as localhost) and port 8000, followed by the /accounts/1 endpoint. This endpoint corresponds to the account with the ID of 1.

When you run this curl command, it sends an HTTP PUT request to our FastAPI application. The application should then update the account with the ID of 1 to have the new name and balance specified in the request body. If everything goes as expected, the server should respond with the updated account data.

DELETE (Delete)#

In a RESTful API, a DELETE request is generally used to delete a specific record. For example, a DELETE request to /accounts/{id} would delete the specific account.

Let’s create a DELETE route to delete an account:

async def delete_account(account_id: int) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Delete the account with the given id."""
    # Find the account to delete
    for account in accounts:
        if account["id"] == account_id:
            # Remove the account from the list
            return {"message": f"Account {account_id} deleted successfully"}
    raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Account not found")

This is a simple example of how you might implement a DELETE route to delete an account. A DELETE request to /accounts/{account_id} will delete the specified account.

You can test this route with a curl command like this:

curl -X DELETE

Here’s what each part does:

  • curl: This is the command-line tool used to send HTTP requests.

  • -X DELETE: This option specifies the HTTP method of the request, which in this case is DELETE. DELETE is typically used for deleting an existing resource.

  • This is the URL that the request is sent to. In this case, it’s the local address (, also known as localhost) and port 8000, followed by the /accounts/1 endpoint. This endpoint corresponds to the account with the ID of 1.

When you run this curl command, it sends an HTTP DELETE request to our FastAPI application. The application should then delete the account with the ID of 1. If everything goes as expected, the server should respond with a message indicating the account was successfully deleted.


These provide metadata about the request or response. For example, headers can be used to specify the format of the data being sent or received (such as JSON), set cookies, control caching, authenticate the user, and more.

HTTP headers are an important part of the HTTP protocol. They’re used to transmit additional information about the HTTP request or response. HTTP headers are represented as key-value pairs that are passed along with the request or response body.

In the context of the curl commands that we discussed, the headers are specified using the -H flag followed by the header name and its value.

Let’s look at the command you provided:

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8000/accounts" \ # method and URI
     -H "accept: application/json" # header, client expects response in JSON

Here, -H "accept: application/json" is a header. This specific header, accept: application/json, tells the server that the client (in this case, the curl command) expects the response data to be in JSON format.

Similarly, in the command:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/accounts" \
     -H "accept: application/json" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"name": "Alice", "email": "", "balance": 300.0}'

We have two headers: accept: application/json and Content-Type: application/json.

The accept: application/json header, as before, tells the server that the client expects the response data to be in JSON format.

The Content-Type: application/json header tells the server that the data being sent by the client (i.e., the request body) is in JSON format.

These headers help ensure that both the client and the server understand the format of the data being exchanged.

This is a simplified explanation. In practice, HTTP headers can be used to convey a wide range of information, such as user agent information, authentication tokens, instructions for caching, and much more.


If you’re implementing an authentication system, you’ll likely need to work with headers. For example, a common pattern is to use the Authorization header to transmit bearer tokens.


For some types of requests (like POST and PUT), you need to send additional data along with the request. This data goes in the request body. For example, if you’re creating a new account via a POST request, the details of the account (like the account name and initial balance) would be sent in the request body.

For example, consider the following curl command:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/accounts" \
     -H "accept: application/json" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"name": "Alice", "email": "", "balance": 300.0}'

In this case, the -d option is used to specify the body of the request. The data is a JSON object:

    "name": "Alice",
    "email": "",
    "balance": 300.0

This JSON object contains the data for the new account to be created. The server will read this data from the body of the request and use it to create the new account.

The Content-Type: application/json header tells the server that the request body is formatted as JSON.

In the context of FastAPI, the body of the request is typically represented as a Pydantic model. FastAPI will automatically parse the request body as JSON and validate it against the Pydantic model. This provides automatic request validation and serialization.

Intuitively, body is nothing but the content after -d which for instance, if I want to create a new account, is just the json content specified after -d.


After the server processes the request, it sends a response back to the client. This response contains the following components:

  • Status Line: This includes the HTTP version, status code, and a short message explaining the status code.

  • Headers: These provide metadata about the response, such as the content type of the response body, set cookies, and more.

  • Body: This is the actual data returned by the server. It could contain the data requested by a GET request, a confirmation of successful processing for a POST or PUT request, error details in case of a failure, or it could be empty.

The response body is where you’ll find the results of our request. For instance, if you’re fetching data from an API, the response body will contain the requested data. If you’re posting data to an API, the response body will usually contain a status message or the ID of the created resource.

For instance:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/accounts/1

will return:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "",
    "balance": 100.0

and this is the body response returned by the server.

Just like requests, responses also have headers. Response headers provide metadata about the response itself. They can include fields like Content-Type (the format of the response body), Content-Length (the length of the response body in bytes), and Set-Cookie (to send cookies from the server to the client).

If you want to see the response headers as well as the response status, you can use the -i or --include option:

curl --include -X GET http://localhost:8000/accounts/1

which outputs

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Fri, 04 Aug 2023 10:03:41 GMT
server: uvicorn
content-length: 70
content-type: application/json

{"id":1,"name":"John Doe","email":"","balance":100.0}%

A key part of the response is the status code. This is a three-digit code that indicates the result of the request. Here are some common status codes:

Status Code



OK - The request was successful.


Created - The request was successful and a resource was created as a result. This is typically the response sent after POST requests.


No Content - The request was successful, but there is no representation to return (i.e. the response is empty).


Bad Request - The request could not be understood or was missing required parameters.


Unauthorized - Authentication failed or was not provided.


Forbidden - Authentication succeeded but the authenticated user does not have access to the requested resource.


Not Found - The requested resource could not be found.


Internal Server Error - An error occurred on the server.

The response from the server is crucial for understanding the status of our request. It tells you whether our request was successful and provides the requested data or helpful error messages if something went wrong. By reading the response status, headers, and body, you can understand the result of our request and take appropriate action in our application.


Recall the URI we have seen in URI section:


We have seen up until {modelId} but have no clue what is the ?filter=passed.

Consider this, let’s create a new GET route to filter accounts based on their balance. We’ll return only the accounts that have a balance greater than a specified amount. This amount will be provided as a query parameter in the URL. In this way it is a way to filter the data.

Here’s the new route:

async def filter_accounts(
    min_balance: float,
) -> List[Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]]:
    """Return accounts with balance greater than the specified amount."""
    filtered_accounts = [
        account for account in accounts if account["balance"] > min_balance
    return filtered_accounts

With this route, you can send a GET request to /accounts/filter?min_balance=200 to get all accounts with a balance greater than 200.

curl -X 'GET' \
  '{account_id}/filter?min_balance=10.0' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

This example demonstrates how you can use query parameters to filter data in a REST API. Note that the min_balance parameter in the function signature is automatically interpreted as a query parameter by FastAPI because it has a default value.

One warning is that the route must be after {account_id}. If you put filter after accounts, it will be interpreted as a path parameter instead of a query parameter and you’ll get an error 422 Unprocessable Entity.

Model-View-Controller (MVC)#

While the code we’ve written so far works, it’s not very organized. All the routes are in one file, and the logic for each route is mixed in with the request and response code. This is fine for a small application, but as our application grows, it will become harder to maintain.

Understanding the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Framework#

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework is a design pattern widely used in web development. It separates the application into three interconnected components, allowing for efficient code organization and modular development. These components are:

  1. Model: This component handles the data logic of the application. It interacts with the database or data storage to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) data. The model is oblivious to the user interface. In terms of a FastAPI application, this could be the SQLAlchemy models defining the structure of our data and handling data storage and retrieval.

  2. View: The view component presents data to the user in a human-readable format. It’s all about the presentation and how the data is displayed. In a traditional web application, this would be the HTML templates that get rendered to the user. In a FastAPI application, this could be considered the JSON responses that are returned to the client, built using Pydantic models.

  3. Controller: The controller acts as an intermediary between the model and the view. It processes HTTP requests, triggers the data persistence models, and sends a response to the client. In other words, it handles the application’s business logic. In a FastAPI application, this would be our route functions (also called view functions or endpoints) that process requests and return responses.

Here’s a simple way to understand how these components interact:

  • The user interacts with the view component via the user interface.

  • The view sends the user’s actions as requests to the controller.

  • The controller processes the requests and interacts with the model to perform CRUD operations.

  • The model returns any requested data back to the controller.

  • The controller passes this data to the view.

  • The view displays this data to the user.

In this way, the MVC framework separates concerns into distinct components, making it easier to manage complex applications. You can work on individual components without affecting others, which makes debugging and testing more straightforward and improves the application’s scalability and maintainability.

Now, one way we can restructure our FastAPI application is to use the MVC framework. We can separate our application into three components: models, views, and controllers. This will help us organize our code and make it easier to maintain and scale.

├── requirements.txt
└── app
    ├── (this is where you create our FastAPI app instance)
    ├── models
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── schemas
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── views (or controllers)
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    └── database
        ├── (this is where you manage our database session)

Here’s what each part does:

  • models: This is where you define our SQLAlchemy models (i.e., our data structures). These are equivalent to the “models” in MVC or MVT.

  • schemas: This is where you define our Pydantic models, which you use for request validation and response serialization.

  • views (or controllers): This is where you define our routes (i.e., our view functions or controllers). These are the “views” in MVC or the “controllers” in other patterns. Each file in this directory would contain the routes related to a specific resource. For instance, might contain routes like GET /accounts, POST /accounts, etc.

  • database: This is where you manage our database session and perform database operations. In MVC, these operations are often included in the models, but in many modern web applications, it’s common to separate them out into their own layer.

The file at the root of our project is the entry point for our application. This is where you import and include the routers from our views and start our ASGI server (e.g., Uvicorn).

Database Session Management#

When building an application, especially one that relies on persistent storage like a database, it’s crucial to set up a reliable and efficient connection mechanism. The file typically serves as the backbone for this. Its primary responsibilities are:

  1. Establishing a Connection: It sets up a way for our application to talk to the database.

  2. Managing Sessions: Databases use sessions to encapsulate sequences of operations. The file sets up a mechanism to create and manage these sessions.

Let’s break down its components:

1. The Engine#

The engine is the starting point for any SQLAlchemy application. It’s the home base for the actual database and its DBAPI, delivered to the SQLAlchemy application through a connection pool and a Dialect.

from api.conf.base import SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, sessionmaker

engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL)
SessionLocal = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
  • create_engine: This function initializes the connection to the database and sets up a pool of connections. The connections in this pool are reused whenever an operation needs to talk to the database.

  • SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL: It’s the connection string that tells SQLAlchemy how to connect to our database. Its format varies depending on the type of database you’re using (Postgres, SQLite, MySQL, etc.).

2. Session Factory#

In SQLAlchemy, the Session is the primary interface for persistence operations. It provides the entry point to acquire a new Session when you wish to operate on the database.

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

SessionLocal = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
  • sessionmaker: This function creates a factory that you’ll use to get new database sessions. The bind=engine argument binds the session factory to our engine, meaning sessions created with this factory will use the connection pool from our engine.

3. Dependency to get a Session#

FastAPI provides a very intuitive way to manage database sessions using dependencies. The get_db function is one such dependency.

from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from typing import Generator

def get_db() -> Generator[Session, None, None]:
    db = SessionLocal()
        yield db
  • This function uses the SessionLocal factory we defined earlier to get a new session.

  • The yield keyword in the function makes it a generator. When this function is called, it sets up the database session and then yields it. Once the request is done and the response is sent, the code after yield runs, which in this case, closes the session.

By setting up our file in this way, you’re ensuring efficient use of resources, a clear separation of concerns, and a structured way to access and manage our database connections throughout our application.

Singleton Pattern#

The create_engine and sessionmaker functions should generally be called once during the lifecycle of our application. Here’s why:

  1. create_engine: This function initializes a connection pool to our database. By calling it once, you can ensure that our application reuses these connections, which can significantly improve performance. If you were to call create_engine multiple times, you might end up creating multiple connection pools, which would be wasteful and could lead to unexpected behavior.

  2. sessionmaker: This function creates a factory for producing new database sessions. Once you’ve bound it to an engine, you can use the resulting factory to create new sessions as needed.

For these reasons, it’s common to see these lines of code at the module level (outside of any function or class) in a dedicated database configuration file. This ensures they are called once when the module is first imported.

Here’s a possible structure:

├──  (or
├── database
│   ├──
│   ├──   (This is where you can set up our engine, SessionLocal, etc.)
│   ├──  (Optional: If you're using a Base class for our ORM models)
│   └── models
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └──
├── schemas
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── views (or controllers)
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── ...

In, you might have:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL = "your_connection_string_here"

engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL)
SessionLocal = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

Then, whenever you need a session elsewhere in our code, you would import SessionLocal from this module.


In the context of software applications, particularly those following the MVC (Model-View-Controller) or similar design patterns, a model is a representation of a data structure. Essentially, models are blueprints for creating database tables. They define what kind of data an application will store, how that data is accessed, and how it relates to other data.

SQLAlchemy Models#

SQLAlchemy is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Python, which means it allows you to work with relational databases in a more Pythonic way. Instead of writing SQL queries, you can use Python classes and methods to interact with our database.

In our provided code, you’ve defined two SQLAlchemy models: Account and Transaction. Let’s break down what each part does:

  1. Base Class:

    from api.database.base import Base

    This Base class is a base class for all our models, provided by SQLAlchemy. It’s a foundational piece that provides ORM capabilities to our derived models.

  2. Account Model:

    class Account(Base):

    Here, you’ve defined a model for an account. Each account has an id, name, email, and balance. The __tablename__ attribute tells SQLAlchemy what the table’s name should be in the database.

    The relationship function defines how this model relates to others. Here, it says that an account can have multiple transactions.

  3. Transaction Model:

    class Transaction(Base):

    This model represents a transaction. Each transaction has an id, account_id, amount, type, and timestamp. The account_id is a foreign key that links each transaction to an account.

    Again, the relationship function is used, this time to say that a transaction is related to an account.

Relationships in SQLAlchemy#

The relationships between Account and Transaction models are defined using the relationship function. This function is powerful and provides a way to define how different models are related in terms of the database.

In our models:

  • An Account has a one-to-many relationship with Transaction, meaning one account can have multiple transactions. This is represented by:

    transactions = relationship("Transaction", back_populates="account")
  • Conversely, a Transaction belongs to one Account. This is represented by:

    account = relationship("Account", back_populates="transactions")

The back_populates argument ensures that changes to one side of the relationship are propagated to the other side. So, if you access the transactions attribute of an Account instance, SQLAlchemy will automatically query and populate that attribute with the related Transaction instances. The same happens in reverse when you access the account attribute of a Transaction instance.

In conclusion, models play a crucial role in applications, especially in web applications where data handling is a primary concern. They provide a structured way to define, store, and retrieve data. With tools like SQLAlchemy, working with models becomes intuitive and closely integrated with the programming language, reducing the need for manual SQL queries and increasing productivity.

Views (or Controllers)#

In an MVC framework, the “view” is the component that handles the presentation logic. However, in the context of a FastAPI application (or any API-driven application), the term “view” might be a bit misleading. This is because APIs generally don’t have a traditional “view” in the way that a typical web application with HTML templates does. Instead, the “view” in a FastAPI application could be considered the HTTP responses that the application returns to the client.

However, in the scope of FastAPI (and other similar frameworks), the term “controller” might be a better fit for this component. Controllers are responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests and returning responses. They contain the business logic of the application. In FastAPI, this translates to our route functions or endpoints.

Let’s break down the various parts of a FastAPI controller.

Endpoints (or Route Functions)#

In FastAPI, an endpoint (also called a route function) is a Python function that is decorated with one of the HTTP method decorators (like @app.get(),, etc.). These functions handle HTTP requests, perform the necessary business logic, and return HTTP responses.

For example:

from fastapi import APIRouter
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from api.database.session import get_db

router = APIRouter()

def get_accounts(db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    accounts = db.query(Account).all()
    return accounts

In this example, get_accounts is an endpoint that handles HTTP GET requests to the /accounts path. When the client makes a GET request to this path, FastAPI calls the get_accounts function and returns whatever that function returns as the HTTP response.

The function is using a parameter with a default value (db: Session = Depends(get_db)). This parameter is a dependency. When FastAPI sees this dependency, it will call the get_db function, get a database session, and pass it as the argument to get_accounts.

The get_accounts function then uses the database session to query all accounts and return them.


FastAPI’s APIRouter is a powerful tool that allows you to separate our endpoints into different modules, each with its own APIRouter. This makes our code more modular and easier to maintain and scale. Each APIRouter can even have its own dependencies, exception handlers, etc.

For example:

from fastapi import APIRouter
from . import account_views, transaction_views

router = APIRouter()

router.include_router(account_views.router, prefix="/accounts", tags=["accounts"])
router.include_router(transaction_views.router, prefix="/transactions", tags=["transactions"])

In this example, two different routers are included in the main router: one for accounts and one for transactions. Each has its own prefix and tags.

The prefix parameter adds a prefix to all the routes in the included router. So, for the account views, all routes will start with /accounts.

The tags parameter groups all the routes in the included router under the given tags. This is especially useful for interactive API docs UI like Swagger UI or ReDoc.

Overall, the views (or controllers) are a crucial component of our FastAPI application. They handle the request-response cycle and contain the business logic of our application. FastAPI provides many powerful tools to structure and organize our controllers, allowing for a clean and maintainable codebase.

Response Model and Depends#

Both response_model and Depends are important concepts in FastAPI.

response_model is an optional parameter that you can pass to route operations like @app.get(),, etc. It’s used for:

  • Output data conversion: The model’s data (e.g., a SQLAlchemy model instance) will be publicly converted according to the response_model. For example, if the data contains datetime, it will be converted to a string in ISO format. This allows FastAPI to understand how to format the response data.

  • Output data validation: FastAPI will check the output data to make sure it’s valid according to the model. If the data is not valid, FastAPI will raise an error, and you can catch these errors while you’re still developing our application.

  • API documentation: The model will be used to generate the “Response Model” section of our API docs UI.

For example, when you have response_model=List[Account], it means that the endpoint returns a list of Account instances, and FastAPI will handle converting those instances to JSON.

Depends() is a function that you use to express dependencies in FastAPI. When you declare a parameter in a path operation function to be a Depends(get_db), FastAPI will:

  • Call the get_db function.

  • Take the result of that call and pass it as the parameter’s value.

This can be used for dependency injection, where you can provide necessary resources to a function without the function needing to know where those resources come from. In this case, get_db is a function that returns a database session, so Depends(get_db) is a way of telling FastAPI “this function depends on having a database session”.

FastAPI then knows to call get_db before calling our path operation function, and to pass the database session that get_db returns into our function. This can be very useful for ensuring that every request gets a fresh database session, and for making sure that the session gets closed when the request is finished.

One important note about Depends: it doesn’t just handle dependencies on functions like get_db. You can also use it to declare dependencies on other path operation functions. For example, if you have one path operation function that shouldn’t run until another one has completed, you can use Depends() to express that.

References and Further Readings#