Bound and Constraint in Generics and Type Variables#

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Some Motivation, The Problem With Unconstrained Type Variable#

We start off with some motivation. To understand why unconstrained type variables can be problematic, let’s examine a simple add function that combines two arguments:

from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T")

def add(x: T, y: T) -> T:
    return x + y

And note that running this piece of code through mypy[1] will yield two particular errors:

4: error: Returning Any from function declared to return "T"  [no-any-return]
        return x + y
4: error: Unsupported left operand type for + ("T")  [operator]
        return x + y

These errors occur because TypeVar("T") is unconstrained, and this means T can represent literally any type, and not all type can do add. Why so? Because for + operator, the underlying object must implement the __add__ method. For instance, two dictionaries cannot be added together because their __add__ is not well defined. This error that mypy raised forces you to rethink your code design - in that what types of type the type variable T can take on. Assume for the sake of simplicity, that your program’s add would only operate on a few types:

  • int

  • float

  • NDArray[np.float64]

  • str

And if we can somehow tell our type variable T to only take on any one of the 4 types above, then our job is done. This motivates the need for constraining type variables to a specific set of types that support our desired operations (i.e. + operator).

Constraining Type Variable#

Constraints allow you to specify a list of explicit types that a type variable (TypeVar) can take. This means the type variable can represent any one of these specified types, and no others.

  • Syntax: T = TypeVar("T", Type1, Type2, ...)

  • Meaning: The type variable T can be any one of Type1, Type2, etc.

  • Concrete: T = TypeVar("T", int, float) means T can only be int or float.

To be more formal, a constrained type variable is a type variable \(T\) bound to a finite set of types \(\mathcal{S} = \{T_1, T_2, \ldots, T_n\}\) such that \(T\) can only be instantiated with types from \(\mathcal{S}\). So if one declares T = TypeVar("T", T_1, T_2, ...), then \(T\) can only be bound to a type \(T_i \in \mathcal{S} = \{T_1, T_2, \ldots, T_n\}\).

In our add example, since we only want the type variable T to take on 4 specific types, we can thus re-write the type variable as such:

1from typing import TypeVar
3import numpy as np
4from numpy.typing import NDArray
6T = TypeVar("T", int, float, str, NDArray[np.float64])
8def add(a: T, b: T) -> T:
9    return a + b

Then running mypy again, will yield no errors, because the static type checker is intelligent enough to know that T can only take on int, float, str, or NDArray[np.float64], all of which has the add operator well defined.

Type Binding#

When using a constrained TypeVar, the type checker ensures that within a single usage of the function, all occurrences of T must be the same type. This is usually defined as Type Binding.

What does this even mean? Type binding is the association of a type variable (like T) with a concrete type (like int). We can intuitively think of this action as a substitution (or mapping) of the type variable with a concrete type - we replace every occurrence of T with the concrete (actual) type.

Type Variables And Substitution#

Let’s use the earlier example of add function, and see how type binding works.

In line 6, we declared T as TypeVar("T", int, float, NDArray[np.float64], str). This means:

  • There exists a type variable T.

  • T can only be substituted from the set of types {int, float, NDArray[np.float64], str}.

  • All occurences of T in a single function invocation must be substituted with the same type.

Since type binding happens at function call time (runtime), then the process is like follows (T and \(T\) are interchangeable):

  • Say we invoke the function add(a=x, b=y) where x and y are of some type.

  • Let type(x) be denoted as \(T_x\) and type(y) be denoted as \(T_y\).

  • For the checker to pass, we must abide by:

    • \(T_x\) must be one of the types defined in the set {int, float, NDArray[np.float64]}.

    • \(T_y\) must be one of the types defined in the set {int, float, NDArray[np.float64]}.

    • \(T_x\) and \(T_y\) must be the same type due to both have same type variable \(T\).

    • Then \(T\) is mapped (or bound) to \(T_x\) (\(T \mapsto T_x\)).

Binding Time And Scope#

Consider the following two calls:

def add(a: T, b: T) -> T:
    return a + b

z1 = add(2, 5) # T ↦ int
z2 = add(1.0, 2.0) # T ↦ float

Each function call creates a new binding scope:

For the call z1 = add(2, 5):

  1. Let \(x_1 = 2\) and \(x_2 = 5\) be the input arguments

  2. Given \(\text{type}(x_1) = \text{int} \in \mathcal{S}\) where \(\mathcal{S} = \{\text{int}, \text{float}, \text{NDArray}[\text{np.float64}], \text{str}\}\)

  3. Create binding \(T \mapsto \text{int}\)

  4. Verify \(\text{type}(x_2) = \text{int} = T\)

  5. Therefore return type \(\text{type}(z_1) = T = \text{int}\) is valid

An invalid binding would be:

z3 = add(1, "3")

This is because:

  • type(1) = int

  • T is bound to int

  • type("3") = str != int != T

  • Type Error ensues. Mypy will also catch this.

Union Type versus Constrained Type Variable#

The definition of constrained type variable may not be immediately clear on why we cannot just use an Union type. After all, Union type is a type that can take on any one of the types defined in the set {int, float, str, NDArray[np.float64]}. Why bother to purposely specify a constrained type variable? As we shall see shortly, using Union type is a loose constraint, and it does not enforce the type variable to be of the same type (i.e. within a function scope, a and b must be of the same type can be violated).

Union Type#

Consider the following example using Union type:

1from typing import Union
2from numpy.typing import NDArray
3import numpy as np
5U = Union[int, float, NDArray[np.float64]]
7def add(a: U, b: U) -> U:
8    return a + b

This type signature allows any combination of types within the Union.

  • For any arguments \(a\) and \(b\): \(\text{type}(a), \text{type}(b) \in \{\text{int}, \text{float}, \text{NDArray}[\text{np.float64}]\}\)

  • No constraint exists requiring \(\text{type}(a) = \text{type}(b)\)

This leads to potentially unsafe operations:

result1 = add(3, 4)                     # Works as expected: 7
result2 = add(3, 9.99)                  # Type mixing: 12.99
result3 = add(3, np.array([1, 2, 3]))   # Implicit broadcasting: array([4, 5, 6])
result4 = add(3, "4")                   # Type mixing: error!

The Union type permits all these operations because it only enforces that each argument independently belongs to the set of allowed types.

More verbosely, with Union, the operation we use between arguments (i.e. a and b) is supported by any permutation order[2]. As we can see, we added two int, added int and float, added int and an NDArray, and lastly, added int and a str (which is an error)! Is this really what we want? Do we really want to allow int and NDArray to be added together freely (they can, but some may regard it as not safe as it might lead to undesirable consequences via broadcasting). Consequently, there will be no error raised for certain operations that are unsafe. We fear not those that raises an error, but those that does not (silent errors).

Furthermore, let’s consider a scenario where you want to restrict the add function to only work with int or str types. Using a Union type would be problematic because it allows mixing these types in a single operation (like adding an int with a str), which would raise a runtime error.

U = Union[int, str]

def add(a: U, b: U) -> U:
    return a + b

Our static type checker is fast to spot this potential error and raised aptly the following:

4: error: Unsupported operand types for + ("int" and "str")  [operator]
        return a + b
4: error: Unsupported operand types for + ("str" and "int")  [operator]
        return a + b
4: note: Both left and right operands are unions

This suggests there’s a better way to type hint rather than using Union type.

Constrained TypeVar Approach#

Now consider using a constrained TypeVar:

from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T", int, float, str, NDArray[np.float64])

def add(a: T, b: T) -> T:
    return a + b

This enforces a stronger type constraint. Formally:

  • \(\exists T \in \{\text{int}, \text{float}, \text{NDArray}[\text{np.float64}]\}: \text{type}(a) = T \land \text{type}(b) = T\)

  • The return type must be the same \(T\) that was bound to the arguments

This prevents type mixing:

result1 = add(3, 4)                     # Valid: T ↦ int
result3 = add(3, np.array([1, 2, 3]))   # Type Error: Cannot bind T to both int and NDArray
result4 = add(3, "4")                   # Type Error: Cannot bind T to both int and str

TypeVar provides stronger compile-time guarantees and ensures type consistency within a function scope. Naively, I guess the type checker applies some rules for each approach above, my guess is:

  1. Union types:

    1. For each argument x, the type checker will check if x is of any of the types in the union Union[T_1, T_2, ...].

    2. If x is of any of the types in the union, then the type checker will proceed to check the next argument.

    3. If x is not of any of the types in the union, then the type checker will raise an error.

  2. Constrained TypeVar:

    1. First occurrence of T is checked against the set of types defined in the TypeVar declaration.

    2. If the type of the first occurrence of T is not in the set, then the type checker will raise an error.

    3. If the type of the first occurrence of T is in the set, then T is bound to the type of the first occurrence of T and all subsequent occurrences of T must be of the same type.

Upper Bounding Type Variables#

Bounds specify an upper bound for the type variable. This means that the type variable can represent any type that is a subtype of the specified bound.

  • Syntax: T = TypeVar("T", bound=SuperType)

  • Meaning: The type variable T can be any type that is a subtype of SuperType (including SuperType itself).

  • Concrete: T = TypeVar("T", bound=BaseModel) means T can be any type that is a subclass of BaseModel (from pydantic).

Defining Type Variables with Upper Bounds#

In Python’s type hinting system, you can define a type variable that restricts which types can be used in place of it by specifying an upper bound. This is done using the bound=<type> argument in the TypeVar function. The key point is that any type that replaces this type variable must be a subtype of the specified boundary type.

It’s important to note that the boundary type itself cannot be another type variable or a parameterized type. For example:

T1 = TypeVar("T1")
T2 = TypeVar("T2", bound=T1)        # Cannot use T1 as a bound

You also cannot use a parameterized generic type as a bound. For example:

# This is NOT allowed
from typing import List
T = TypeVar('T', bound=List[int])   # Error! Can't use List[int] as a bound

# This is NOT allowed either
S = TypeVar('S')
T = TypeVar('T', bound=List[S])     # Error! Can't use parameterized List as bound

Some Motivation, Simple Length Comparison#

Let’s say we want to write a function that compares the lengths of two sequences.

from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T")

def longer(x: T, y: T) -> T:
    return x if len(x) > len(y) else y

This fails the type checker because T could be any type - there’s no guarantee it supports len(). For example, the below code works because list and str both support len():

compare_lengths([1, 2], [3])
compare_lengths("hello", "hi")

However, the below code will fail at runtime because int does not support len():

compare_lengths(42, 100)

A Case Study On Sized#

We can fix this using bound to ensure our type variable only accepts types that support len(). Consider the Sized protocol from Python’s typing module, which represents any type that supports the len() function. We define a type variable ST with Sized as its upper bound:

from typing import TypeVar, Sized

ST = TypeVar("ST", bound=Sized)

This definition means that ST can be replaced by any type that has a len() method, ensuring that objects of type ST can be measured for their size.

The function longer takes two parameters, x and y, both of type ST. It returns the object with the greater length:

def longer(x: ST, y: ST) -> ST:
    return x if len(x) > len(y) else y

Because ST is bound to Sized, we can safely use len() on x and y. This allows the function to work with any sized collection, such as lists or sets.

  • longer([1], [1, 2]) correctly returns the longer list, with the return type being List[int].

  • longer({1}, {1, 2}) operates on sets, returning the larger set as Set[int].

  • What’s interesting is that longer([1], {1, 2}) being okay and returning a type Collection[int] is correct as well. This is because unlike constraints, we do not need both x and y to be of the same exact type, they just need to be subclass of the bound super type.

Why Not Use Constraints?#

You might wonder why not use constraints, we can try, say, let’s say we want to let T be a type that is either a list, str, or tuple.

T = TypeVar('T', list, str, tuple)

This approach has limitations because we need to add and list every possible type that we want to allow, or that has __len__ method. This is not scalable and so bound is more applicable.

More formally, we can say something like, let \(S\) be the set of all types that implement the Sized protocol. For type variable \(T\) with bound Sized:

  • \(\forall t \in T \implies t \in S\)

  • That is, any type \(t\) that can be bound to \(T\) must be in the set of Sized types.

Bounding and Semantic Clarity#

Bounding also offers more clarity and semantic meaning, than say, an Union type.

class Animal:

class Dog(Animal):

class Cat(Animal):

class Car:

AnimalType = TypeVar("AnimalType", bound=Animal)

def function_with_bound(arg: AnimalType) -> AnimalType:
    return arg

def function_with_union(arg: Union[Dog, Cat, Car]) -> Union[Dog, Cat, Car]:
    return arg

In function_with_bound, the argument arg must be an instance of Animal or a subclass of Animal. This means you could pass in an instance of Dog or Cat, but not Car, because Car is not a subclass of Animal.

In function_with_union, the argument arg can be an instance of Dog, Cat, or Car. There’s no requirement that these types are related in any way.

A Case Study On Addable#

Let’s say we want to write a function that doubles any number. Without bound:

from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')

def double(x: T) -> T:
    return x + x

If we run through mypy, we get the below errors: error: Returning Any from function declared to return "T"  [no-any-return]
        return x + x
        ^~~~~~~~~~~~ error: Unsupported left operand type for + ("T")  [operator]
        return x + x
Found 2 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

Rightfully so, same logic, not all types support + operation, like double(x={"key": "value"}) will cause errors. To resolve this, we seek to find a class like Sized that has the __add__ method. But let’s say it’s hard to find, we can define our own protocol.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TypeVar, Protocol

class Addable(Protocol):
    def __add__(self, other: T) -> T: ...

T = TypeVar("T", bound=Addable)

def double(x: T) -> T:
    return x + x

Bound versus Constraints#

  • Bounds are used to specify that a type variable must be a subtype of a particular type. This is akin to setting an upper limit (or in some contexts, a lower limit) on what the type variable can be. The purpose of bounds is to ensure that the type variable adheres to a hierarchical type constraint, typically ensuring that it inherits certain methods or properties.

  • Constraints, on the other hand, specify a list of explicit types that a type variable can represent, without implying any hierarchical relationship between them. The purpose of constraints is to allow a type variable to be more flexible by being one of several types, rather than restricting it to a subtype of a specific class or interface.

The comparison is pretty superficial but something to remember is that you can mix types within arguments if you use bound, which behaves a little like Union, whereas in constraint, all arguments must be of the exact same type.

Let’s see an example:

AnimalType = TypeVar("AnimalType", bound=Animal)

def function_with_bound(arg1: AnimalType, arg2: AnimalType) -> Tuple[AnimalType, AnimalType]:
    return arg1, arg2

cat = Cat()
tabby = Cat()
dog = Dog()

_, _ = function_with_bound(cat, dog)

This above code will not raise any issue when compared to the below code:

AnimalType = TypeVar("AnimalType", Cat, Dog)

def function_with_bound(arg1: AnimalType, arg2: AnimalType) -> Tuple[AnimalType, AnimalType]:
    return arg1, arg2

cat = Cat()
tabby = Cat()
dog = Dog()

_, _ = function_with_bound(cat, dog)

This is because if we use constraint, our contract is that within the scope, all arguments must be of type AnimalType, whereas when in bound, arg1 and arg2 can be different, as long as both are upper bounded by Animal.

References and Further Readings#