Learning Objectives#
Form intuition for the concept of a field and its relevance in linear algebra.
Comprehend the definition and properties of a field in mathematics.
Recognize different examples of fields and their relevance in various contexts.
Apply the concept of fields to understand the foundation of vector spaces.
Bridge the gap between abstract mathematical concepts and their practical applications in machine learning.
Why is an understanding of fields essential in the study of linear algebra, especially for machine learning? Fields are not just sets of numbers; they are sets where operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division adhere to specific, well-defined rules. These rules are crucial because they provide a consistent framework in which linear algebra operates. Without them, linear algebra would be a collection of arbitrary rules and procedures, making gradient descent, linear regression, embeddings, and other machine learning algorithms impossible.
In linear algebra, a field can be thought of as a structured “space” — for instance, the set of real numbers \(\mathbb{R}\) — where operations such as addition and multiplication are not just possible but follow specific, well-defined rules. These rules ensure mathematical consistency and logic in the operations performed within this space.
The elements within a field, known as scalars, must adhere to these rules. This adherence is what distinguishes a field from a mere collection of numbers.
A field is an ordered pair of triplets, defined as
\(\mathbb{F}\) is a set,
\(\oplus\) and \(\otimes\) are binary operations defined on \(\mathbb{F}\) such that
\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} & \oplus \colon \mathbb{F} \otimes \mathbb{F} \to \mathbb{F} \\ & \otimes \colon \mathbb{F} \otimes \mathbb{F} \to \mathbb{F} \end{aligned} \end{split}\]These operations are well-defined[1] and satisfy the field axioms (detailed below).
In this representation:
The first triplet \((\mathbb{F}, \oplus, \mathbf{0})\) encapsulates the addition operation in the field, where \(\oplus\) is the addition operation, and \(0\) is the additive identity in \(\mathbb{F}\).
The second triplet \((\mathbb{F}, \otimes, \mathbf{1})\) encapsulates the multiplication operation, where \(\otimes\) is the multiplication operation, and \(1\) is the multiplicative identity.
Definition 183 (Field)
\(\mathbb{F} := \left\{ \mathbb{F}, \oplus, \otimes \right\}\) is a field if and only if the following axioms hold:
Property |
Description |
Well Defined (Closure) |
For all \(a, b \in \mathbb{F}\), we have \(a \oplus b \in \mathbb{F}\) and \(a \otimes b \in \mathbb{F}\). |
Commutative Law for Addition |
For all \(a, b \in \mathbb{F}\), \(a \oplus b = b \oplus a\). |
Associative Law for Addition |
For all \(a, b, c \in \mathbb{F}\), \((a \oplus b) \oplus c = a \oplus (b \oplus c)\). |
Existence of the Additive Identity |
There exists \(\mathbf{0} \in \mathbb{F}\) such that for all \(a \in \mathbb{F}\), \(\mathbf{0} \oplus a = a\). In other words, an additive identity for the set \(\mathbb{F}\) is any element \(e\) such that for any element \(x \in \mathbb{F}\), we have \(e \oplus x = x = x \oplus e\). In familiar fields like the Real Numbers \(\mathbb{R}\), the additive identity is \(\mathbf{0}\). |
Existence of Additive Inverse |
For every \(a \in \mathbb{F}\), there exists \(b \in \mathbb{F}\) such that \(a \oplus b = 0\). We call \(b\) the additive inverse and denote \(b\) by \(-a\). |
Commutative Law for Multiplication |
For all \(a, b \in \mathbb{F}\), \(ab = ba\). |
Associative Law for Multiplication |
For all \(a, b, c \in \mathbb{F}\), \((ab)c = a(bc)\). |
Existence of the Multiplicative Identity |
There exists \(\mathbf{1}\in \mathbb{F}\) such that \(\mathbf{1} \otimes a = a\otimes \mathbf{1} = a\) for all \(a\in \mathbb{F}\). |
Existence of Multiplicative Inverse |
For every non-zero \(a \in \mathbb{F}\), there exists \(b \in \mathbb{F}\) such that \(a \otimes b = 1\). We denote \(b\) as \(a^{-1}\). |
Distributive Law |
Let’s look at some examples of fields as well as non-fields.
Fields can consist of:
The real numbers \(\mathbb{R}\).
The complex numbers \(\mathbb{C}\).
The rational numbers \(\mathbb{Q}\).
Example 52 (Fields on the Real Numbers)
Here we replace \(\oplus\) with \(+\) and \(\otimes\) with \(\times\).
Addition: If you take any two real numbers, say \(2.3\) and \(3.7\), their sum (\(6.0\)) is also a real number.
Multiplication: Similarly, if you multiply these numbers (\(2.3 \times 3.7\)), the product (\(8.51\)) is also a real number.
Addition: \(2.3 + 3.7\) equals \(3.7 + 2.3\).
Multiplication: \(2.3 \times 3.7\) equals \(3.7 \times 2.3\).
Addition: \((2.3 + 3.7) + 1.5\) equals \(2.3 + (3.7 + 1.5)\).
Multiplication: \((2.3 \times 3.7) \times 1.5\) equals \(2.3 \times (3.7 \times 1.5)\).
Additive Identity: The additive identity in \(\mathbb{R}\) is \(0\). For any real number \(a\), \(a + 0 = a\). For example, \(2.3 + 0 = 2.3\).
Multiplicative Identity: The multiplicative identity in \(\mathbb{R}\) is \(1\). For any real number \(a\), \(a \times 1 = a\). For example, \(2.3 \times 1 = 2.3\).
Additive Inverse: For every real number, there is an additive inverse (or opposite). For \(2.3\), the additive inverse is \(-2.3\), because \(2.3 + (-2.3) = 0\).
Multiplicative Inverse: For every non-zero real number, there is a multiplicative inverse (or reciprocal). The multiplicative inverse of \(2.3\) is \(\frac{1}{2.3}\) because \(2.3 \times \frac{1}{2.3}\) = 1.
Distributive Law: Multiplication distributes over addition. For example, \(2 \times (3 + 4)\) equals \((2 \times 3) + (2 \times 4)\).
Example is not a Proof
Do not mistake the example above as a form of proof that the real number system \(\mathbb{R}\) is a field. The example only shows that a particular set of real numbers satisfies the field axioms. To prove that \(\mathbb{R}\) is a field, you must show that all real numbers satisfy the field axioms.
Non-fields include:
The natural numbers \(\mathbb{N}\).
The integers \(\mathbb{Z}\).
Why are these non-fields? They lack additive and/or multiplicative inverses.
For example:
The natural numbers \(\mathbb{N}\) do not have additive inverses. For any \(n \in \mathbb{N}\), there is no \(m \in \mathbb{N}\) such that \(n + m = 0\).
The integers \(\mathbb{Z}\) do not have multiplicative inverses. For any \(n \in \mathbb{Z}\), there is no \(m \in \mathbb{Z}\) such that \(n \times m = 1\) (besides \(n = 1\) and \(m = 1\)).
Binary Field \(\mathbb{F}_2\)#
A special field is the binary field \(\mathbb{F}_2\). It consists of the elements \(\{0, 1\}\), where \(0\) and \(1\) are the additive and multiplicative identities, respectively. The binary field is fundamental in digital logic and computer science.
The Importance of a Field in Vector Spaces and Deep Learning#
Vector spaces, their subspaces, and the linear transformations within these spaces are foundational concepts in deep learning. A prominent example is the attention mechanism, widely recognized in deep learning. This mechanism encodes sequences of words into a vector space or subspace, with each word represented as a vector in a \(D\)-dimensional space, denoted as \(\mathbb{R}^D\). These vectors, known as embeddings, encapsulate both the semantic and contextual information about words in a sequence. The effectiveness of this representation hinges on the vector space being well-defined, a state that is contingent on the precise definition and consistent application of operations within the space. This is where the role of a field becomes crucial.
A field provides a structured set of scalars with which vectors can be scaled and combined. The operations of vector addition and scalar multiplication, fundamental to any vector space, rely on the properties of a field—such as closure, associativity, and distributivity—to ensure their consistency and reliability. These properties guarantee that any combination or transformation of vectors results in another vector within the same space, a necessity for maintaining the integrity of operations in machine learning and deep learning algorithms. We can say with certainty that the concept of vector spaces and its properites underlie the foundation of all machine learning and deep learning algorithms [Deisenroth et al., 2020].
The content provides a comprehensive overview of fields in mathematics, emphasizing their significance in linear algebra and machine learning. It defines a field as a structured set with specific rules for operations like addition and multiplication, essential for consistency in mathematical procedures. Examples of fields, such as real numbers, complex numbers, and rational numbers, are discussed to illustrate their properties and applications. In contrast, non-fields like natural numbers and integers are highlighted for lacking certain field properties.
In what follows, we will focus on the field of real numbers \(\mathbb{R}^{D}\), where \(D\) is the dimension of the vector space. This is because most machine learning algorithms are defined over the real numbers [Deisenroth et al., 2020].
References and Further Readings#
Deisenroth, M. P., Faisal, A. A., & Ong, C. S. (2020). Mathematics for Machine Learning. Cambridge University Press. (pp. 17-18).