Stage 4. Data Extraction (MLOps), Data Analysis (Data Science), Data Preparation (Data Science)#
Stage 4.1. Data Extraction (MLOps)#
Data extraction in MLOps usually involves pulling data from a Data Warehouse or Data Lake that has already been transformed. The transformed data is generally agnostic to downstream tasks, such as the specific machine learning models being used.
Remember, the data at this stage has been cleaned and transformed — but this doesn’t imply it’s been preprocessed or engineered for machine learning tasks. This cleaned data serves as a versatile resource, used not just by machine learning teams, but also by business intelligence, data analytics, and other teams that require transformed data.
Batch Extraction/Ingestion#
This type of data extraction is used when there are large volumes of data that do not require immediate analysis or use. The data is collected over a period of time and then ingested into the data lake all at once. This can be scheduled to occur at regular intervals, like daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on the requirements. This method is particularly beneficial when dealing with large amounts of structured and unstructured data and where latency is not a critical factor.
An Example of Batch Extraction#
Let’s consider an example involving a traffic surveillance system for a city.
Imagine a city has installed surveillance cameras at all major intersections to monitor and analyze traffic patterns. These cameras generate an enormous amount of visual data every day, and analyzing this data in real-time isn’t always necessary. The primary goal is to understand traffic patterns over time, identify peak hours, detect unusual congestion, and recognize patterns that could suggest infrastructure changes, like adding a new traffic light or creating a roundabout.
In this case, the video feeds from each camera could be processed in batches. At the end of each day, a batch ingestion process could collect the video data, preprocess it (e.g., converting video into frames), and store it in a suitable format (e.g., image files, video files, or even encoded vector representations) in a data lake or similar storage system.
A computer vision algorithm can then process these batches of data to extract relevant features and analyze them. For instance, it could estimate the number of vehicles, identify the type of vehicles (bikes, cars, trucks), recognize traffic jams, or detect accidents. These analyses can then provide actionable insights to traffic management authorities.
Consequently, batch ingestion in this scenario is suitable because the data doesn’t need to be processed in real-time.
Real-time Ingestion (Stream Ingestion)#
Real-time data ingestion involves the continuous input of data into the data lake as it is generated. It’s used when the data needs to be analyzed and acted upon immediately or near real-time, such as in event-driven applications or live dashboards. This method is commonly used in scenarios like tracking user activity on a website, real-time analytics, monitoring, fraud detection, etc. Real-time ingestion can be more complex and resource-intensive than batch processing due to the need for continuous processing and potential volume and velocity of data.
An Example of Real-time Ingestion#
TikTok, like other social media platforms, operates in a real-time environment where quick decision making is key to user engagement and satisfaction.
For example, when users interact with TikTok, they generate vast amounts of data through their actions, such as likes, shares, comments, and even the duration for which they watch a video. These user interactions are captured and processed in real-time.
As users scroll through the “For You” page, TikTok’s algorithm needs to decide which video to show next to keep the user engaged. This decision is informed by the user’s past behavior and the behavior of similar users. The real-time data ingestion pipeline continuously feeds the machine learning model with fresh data, helping it make the most relevant recommendations.
Moreover, TikTok also needs to monitor user-generated content in real-time for any inappropriate or harmful content. With millions of videos uploaded every day, this task needs to be automated. Machine learning models, continuously updated with real-time ingested data, can help identify and flag such content.
In both these examples - content recommendation and content moderation - real-time data ingestion is needed to ensure timely and accurate decision-making.
Stage 4.2. Data Analysis (Data Science)#
Data analysis forms the basis of any successful machine learning project. At this stage, we dive deeper into the dataset’s characteristics by doing Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). EDA involves getting a better understanding of the data, including variables’ relationships, detecting outliers, and understanding patterns.
Note that this stage is usually not part of the MLOps pipeline. Instead, it’s what we need to do before model building.
In the table below, we list some common types of data analysis that are performed during this stage.
Stage |
Description |
Distribution Analysis |
Evaluate the distribution of the data to identify issues like class imbalance, skewed data, and outliers. |
Feature Engineering Planning |
Determine the need for creating new features based on the data analysis, such as interaction variables, polynomial features. |
Data Cleaning and Preprocessing Decision |
Decide on the appropriate steps for data cleaning and preprocessing, including handling missing values, encoding, and scaling. |
Correlation Analysis |
Examine relationships between variables to identify influential features and detect multicollinearity. |
Outlier Detection and Treatment |
Identify and decide how to treat outliers, which may involve transformations or removal. |
Anomaly Detection |
Focus on finding patterns that do not conform to expected behavior, which could be indicative of data issues or unique insights. |
Statistical Analysis |
Perform hypothesis testing and other statistical methods to understand the significance and interactions of variables. |
Feature Selection and Importance Evaluation |
If you have a preliminary model or an easy-to-use model (like a Decision Tree), you might run a quick test to see which features seem to be most predictive. This can help guide feature engineering and selection. This is a common technique for “feature selection”. |
Data Visualization |
Visualize the data to uncover insights not apparent from raw data analysis. |
EDA is not just about visualization and show summary statistics for the sake of it. Why does people say that it is an important step before model building is because one can draw insights from the data to help make informed decisions about the model building process. For example, if you find that the data is highly imbalanced, you might need to use techniques like weighted loss functions and use apply appropriate evaluation metrics as well as any variation of stratified resampling methods.
Sampling is a strategy to select a subset of data from your dataset, and it is crucial when the dataset is too large to handle effectively. There are different types of sampling methods, such as random sampling, stratified sampling, reservoir sampling, cluster sampling and many more.
Note at this stage this isn’t really about the usual resampling or cross-validation techniques. Here we won’t talk about every reason why we need to sample data. However, let’s consider a simple scenario where you have terabytes of text data, ready to be analyzed for downstream pre-training tasks. However, it may well be inefficient to load all the data and perform EDA, with high performing system, you might be able to, but a better and more efficient way is to sample a representative subset of the data for EDA.
Labeling is the process of assigning definitive labels to each instance in your dataset. This is necessary for supervised learning tasks. Automated labeling techniques like weak/semi-supervised learning, pseudo-labeling, can be used, but in some cases, manual labeling by subject matter experts is required. Though I would say with the advent of generative AI models, we can make this task less labor-intensive.
Class Imbalance#
Class imbalance occurs when the classes in your target variable are not represented equally. This can lead to biased models and inaccurate predictions. Various techniques such as over-sampling, under-sampling, or SMOTE can be used to deal with class imbalance.
One should always note that class imbalance is difficult to deal with. It can be worsened if you use a misleading metric like accuracy - consider the case where 99.9% of the data is in class A, and 0.1% is in class B. If your model naively predict everything as class A, you will get an accuracy of 99.9%, but you are not actually predicting anything in class B.
There are many literature out there on how to handle class imbalance, some argue that over/under sampling is not a good idea and instead should use weighted loss functions. However, in practice, it is often a combination of these methods that work best. Just remember, for most classification problem (discriminative models), you really just want to force the model to learn the decision boundary for the minority class.
Data Augmentation#
Data augmentation is a strategy to increase the diversity of your data by applying random but realistic transformations to the data. In the context of image data, this could mean rotations, flips, or color changes.
Feature Engineering#
Feature engineering is the process of creating new features from the existing ones to improve model performance. The running joke is that deep learning is everywhere now and it is sold as a way to avoid manually handcrafting features.
Like the simplest example is the engineering of word embeddings, classical ways include Bag of Words (BoW), Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). However, in deep learning models like GPT, we would just have these embeddings learning by themselves.
However, we are still far from using deep learning everywhere, and sometimes even in deep learning models, feature engineering may still be necessary. We leave the readers to have a read on “Chapter 5. Feature Engineering.” In Designing Machine Learning Systems for more information.
Data Leakage#
Data leakage is a problem where information from outside the training dataset is used to create the model. This can lead to overly optimistic performance estimates. During EDA, we don’t need to worry about data leakage as we’re not using the data to train or test the model. It’s crucial to guard against data leakage when we move into model building. Like it is meaningless to have validation metrics that are super good only to realise the answers are already leaked from the training set to the validation set.
Stage 4.3. Data Preparation (MLOps)#
Data Preparation is the stage where insights and decisions from the Data Analysis phase are operationalized. We are essentially executing the data analysis decisions and package it into a pipeline to adhere to the MLOps, DataOps and DevOps principles.
To reiterate, we have some common steps in the data preparation stage:
Data Cleaning: Execute decided strategies for handling missing values, outliers, or incorrect data.
Data Preprocessing: Conduct necessary preprocessing tasks such as encoding categorical variables, normalizing or standardizing numerical variables.
Feature Engineering: Develop new features from the initial data to enhance model performance.
Resampling (Class Imbalance): For imbalanced datasets, consider using resampling techniques to balance the classes.
Feature Selection: If the data has high dimensionality, apply feature selection techniques to shrink the feature space and prevent overfitting.
Dimensionality Reduction: Especially when dealing with high-dimensional data, techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) might be used to reduce the number of features and simplify the data structure. This can help mitigate the curse of dimensionality and improve computational efficiency.
Data Encoding: Ensure that the data is in a format that machine learning algorithms can process. This might entail one-hot encoding for categorical data or other forms of encoding.
Handling Temporal Data: In the case of time series data, additional steps may be required, such as generating time-based features, managing missing time steps, or resampling the data to a different frequency.
Data Augmentation: For specific use cases like image and sound classification tasks, data augmentation techniques can enhance the training data volume and improve model performance.
Resampling (Cross Validation): It’s standard practice at this stage to partition the data into training, validation, and test sets. This is fundamental for evaluating model performance and avoiding overfitting. The method and ratios for splitting should be carefully chosen. For certain types of data, such as time series, random splits might not be appropriate.
Remember that this stage is iterative. Based on the results of model training and evaluation, you might need to revisit data analysis or data preparation steps. Therefore, an adaptable and iterative approach should be upheld throughout this stage.
References and Further Readings#
Huyen, Chip. “Chapter 4. Training Data.” In Designing Machine Learning Systems: An Iterative Process for Production-Ready Applications, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2022.
Huyen, Chip. “Chapter 5. Feature Engineering.” In Designing Machine Learning Systems: An Iterative Process for Production-Ready Applications, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2022.