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from __future__ import annotations

import threading
from typing import Type

class Logger:
    _instance: Logger | None = None
    _lock: threading.Lock = threading.Lock()

    def __new__(cls: Type[Logger]) -> Logger:  # noqa: PYI034
        if cls._instance is None:
            with cls._lock:
                if cls._instance is None:
                    cls._instance = object.__new__(cls)
        return cls._instance

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """The initialized flag is used to prevent the __init__ method from
        being called more than once.
        if not hasattr(self, "initialized"):
            self.initialized = True
            self.log(f"{self.__class__.__name__} initialized with id={id(self)}")

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, Logger):
            return NotImplemented
        return id(self) == id(other)

    def log(self, message: str) -> None:
        print(f"LOG: {message}")
from omnixamples.software_engineering.design_patterns.singleton.logger import Logger

logger1 = Logger()
logger2 = Logger()

assert logger1 is logger2
assert logger1 == logger2
print(f"logger1 id={id(logger1)} | logger2 id={id(logger2)}")

Project Structure Overview#

To contextualize the implementation, let’s visualize the directory structure of the project:

└── software_engineering/
    └── design_patterns/
        └── singleton/
  • omnixamples/: Root directory of the project.

  • Contains the Logger Singleton class implementation.

  • Demonstrates how to use the Logger Singleton.

What is the Singleton Pattern?#

The Singleton is a creational design pattern that ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. This is particularly useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system, such as:

  • Logging Systems

  • Configuration Managers

Why Use a Singleton?#

Consider a global settings object Settings hosting your platform definitions, and you really want to ensure a single source of truth here. Same idea goes for logger, so technically you can also instantiate the logger with the desired configurations inside, say and then use it anywhere in the project.

The Singleton Pattern in Detail#

Class Variables#

The key to the singleton pattern is the use of class variables because they are shared across all instances of the class - like a global variable.

_instance: Logger | None = None
_lock: threading.Lock = threading.Lock()
  • _instance: Logger | None = None:

    • Purpose: Holds the singleton instance of the Logger class.

    • Type Annotation: Indicates that _instance can be either a Logger instance or None.

    • Initial Value: Set to None, meaning no instance exists at the start.

  • _lock: threading.Lock = threading.Lock():

    • Purpose: A thread lock to ensure that only one thread can create an instance at a time.

    • Type Annotation: Specifies that _lock is of type threading.Lock.

    • Initialization: Creates a new lock instance.

Overriding the __new__ Method#

def __new__(cls: Type[Logger]) -> Logger:  # noqa: PYI034
    if cls._instance is None:
        with cls._lock:
            if cls._instance is None:
                cls._instance = object.__new__(cls)
    return cls._instance
  • Purpose of __new__:

    • __new__ is a special method responsible for creating a new instance of a class.

    • It is called before __init__.

    • Suitable for implementing singletons since it controls the instantiation process.

  • Implementation Details:

    1. Check for Existing Instance:

      • if cls._instance is None:: Determines if an instance already exists.

    2. Acquire Lock for Thread Safety:

      • with cls._lock:: Ensures that only one thread can execute the block at a time.

    3. Double-Checked Locking:

      • Inside the locked block, it rechecks if cls._instance is None: to prevent race conditions where multiple threads might have passed the first check simultaneously.

    4. Create New Instance:

      • cls._instance = object.__new__(cls): Calls the base class (object) __new__ method to create a new instance and assigns it to _instance.

    5. Return the Instance:

      • Regardless of whether a new instance was created or an existing one is used, cls._instance is returned.

e. Overriding the __init__ Method#

def __init__(self) -> None:
    """The initialized flag is used to prevent the __init__ method from
    being called more than once.
    if not hasattr(self, "initialized"):
        self.initialized = True
        self.log(f"{self.__class__.__name__} initialized with id={id(self)}")
  • Purpose of __init__:

    • __init__ initializes the instance after it has been created by __new__.

    • In the singleton pattern, it’s crucial to prevent re-initialization if the instance already exists. Why so? Because the __init__ method is called every time an instance is created, and we only want to run it once at some cases to prevent mutation of instance variables.

Running Core#

LOG: Logger initialized with id=4379880944
LOG: Logger __init__ called again with id=4379880944
logger1 id=4379880944 | logger2 id=4379880944

We see that the memory address of the two logger instances are the same, which indicates that they are the same instance - hence the singleton pattern is working as expected.

Thread Safety Considerations#

  • Race Conditions: In multithreaded environments, multiple threads might attempt to create an instance simultaneously.

  • Double-Checked Locking: Ensures that only one thread can create the instance, preventing multiple instances from being created.

References And Further Readings#