Pydantic And Hydra#

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This post is heavily inspired by Pydra - Pydantic and Hydra for configuration management of model training experiments which talks about combining Pydantic and Hydra for configuration management.


We won’t go into the details of what Hydra is, as the documentation covers the it very well. We will show a working example on how to use Hydra for configuration management.

YAML Driven Configuration#

First we need to define the configuration files in yaml format.

model_name: "resnet18"
pretrained: True
in_chans: 3
num_classes: ${train.num_classes}
global_pool: "avg"
# You typically want _self_ somewhere after the schema (base_config)
optimizer_name: "AdamW"
    lr: 0.0003  # bs: 32 -> lr = 3e-4
    betas: [0.9, 0.999]
    amsgrad: False
    weight_decay: 0.000001
    eps: 0.00000001
project_name: ${train.project_name}
unique_id: ${now:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S} # in sync with hydra output dir
logs_dir: !!python/object/apply:pathlib.PosixPath ["./logs"]
model_artifacts_dir: !!python/object/apply:pathlib.PosixPath ["./artifacts"]
image_size: 256
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
data_dir: !!python/object/apply:pathlib.PosixPath ["./data"]
batch_size: 32
num_workers: 0
shuffle: true
  - _self_
  - model: base
  - datamodule: base
  - transform: base
  - stores: base
  - optimizer: base

  num_classes: 10
  device: "cpu"
  project_name: "cifar10"
  debug: true
  seed: 1992
  num_epochs: 3

    dir: "${stores.model_artifacts_dir}/${train.project_name}/${stores.unique_id}" # in sync with stores

Then we define an entrypoint to run, along with a simple train function.

import logging

import hydra
from hydra.core.hydra_config import HydraConfig
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf

from omnixamples.software_engineering.config_management.train import train

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="configs", config_name="config")
def run(config: DictConfig) -> None:
    """Run the main function.""""Type of config is: %s", type(config))"Merged Yaml:\n%s", OmegaConf.to_yaml(config))


if __name__ == "__main__":
from typing import Any

import torch
import torchvision  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from rich.pretty import pprint
from torch import nn
from import DataLoader
from torchvision import datasets, transforms  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from tqdm import tqdm

def train(config: Any) -> None:
    """Run the training pipeline, however, the code below can be further
    modularized into functions for better readability and maintainability."""


    transform = transforms.Compose(
            transforms.Resize((config.transform.image_size, config.transform.image_size)),
            transforms.Normalize(mean=config.transform.mean, std=config.transform.std),

    dataset = datasets.CIFAR10(root=config.datamodule.data_dir, train=True, transform=transform, download=True)
    dataloader = DataLoader(

    model = getattr(torchvision.models, config.model.model_name)(pretrained=config.model.pretrained)
    num_features = model.fc.in_features
    model.fc = nn.Linear(num_features, config.model.num_classes)
    model =

    optimizer = getattr(torch.optim, config.optimizer.optimizer_name)(
        model.parameters(), **config.optimizer.optimizer_params

    for epoch in range(config.train.num_epochs):
        with tqdm(dataloader, desc=f"Epoch [{epoch+1}/{config.train.num_epochs}]", unit="batch") as tepoch:
            for images, labels in tepoch:
                images =
                labels =

                logits = model(images)
                loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(logits, labels)


    model.eval(), config.stores.model_artifacts_dir / "model.pth")

The @hydra.main decorator is used to initialize the hydra application. We specify config_path to tell hydra where to look for the base configuration files. We also specify config_name to tell hydra which file is the main controller of the hierarchy. In this case, it is config.yaml. Running the file will create an artifacts folder hosting useful information from hydra. Note the artifacts folder is a configurable name, the default is actually outputs. Let’s see what we have inside this folder!

Running tree -a artifacts/ will show the following:

└── cifar10
    └── 20240509_155331
        ├── .hydra
        │   ├── config.yaml
        │   ├── hydra.yaml
        │   └── overrides.yaml
        └── main.log

4 directories, 4 files

And the content is as follows:

    num_classes: 10
    device: cpu
    project_name: cifar10
    debug: true
    seed: 1992
    num_epochs: 3
    model_name: resnet18
    pretrained: true
    in_chans: 3
    num_classes: ${train.num_classes}
    global_pool: avg
    data_dir: !!python/object/apply:pathlib.PosixPath
        - data
    batch_size: 32
    num_workers: 0
    shuffle: true
    image_size: 256
        - 0.485
        - 0.456
        - 0.406
        - 0.229
        - 0.224
        - 0.225
    project_name: ${train.project_name}
    unique_id: ${now:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}
    logs_dir: !!python/object/apply:pathlib.PosixPath
        - logs
    model_artifacts_dir: !!python/object/apply:pathlib.PosixPath
        - artifacts
    optimizer_name: AdamW
        lr: 0.0003
            - 0.9
            - 0.999
        amsgrad: false
        weight_decay: 1.0e-06
        eps: 1.0e-08
    dir: ${stores.model_artifacts_dir}/${train.project_name}/${stores.unique_id}
    dir: multirun/${now:%Y-%m-%d}/${now:%H-%M-%S}
    subdir: ${hydra.job.num}
    _target_: hydra._internal.core_plugins.basic_launcher.BasicLauncher
    _target_: hydra._internal.core_plugins.basic_sweeper.BasicSweeper
    max_batch_size: null
    params: null
    app_name: ${}
    header: '${} is powered by Hydra.

    footer: 'Powered by Hydra (

      Use --hydra-help to view Hydra specific help

    template: '${}

      == Configuration groups ==

      Compose your configuration from those groups (group=option)


      == Config ==

      Override anything in the config (



    template: 'Hydra (${hydra.runtime.version})

      See for more info.

      == Flags ==


      == Configuration groups ==

      Compose your configuration from those groups (For example, append hydra/job_logging=disabled
      to command line)


      Use ''--cfg hydra'' to Show the Hydra config.

    hydra_help: ???
    version: 1
        format: '[%(asctime)s][HYDRA] %(message)s'
        class: logging.StreamHandler
        formatter: simple
        stream: ext://sys.stdout
      level: INFO
      - console
        level: DEBUG
    disable_existing_loggers: false
    version: 1
        format: '[%(asctime)s][%(name)s][%(levelname)s] - %(message)s'
        class: logging.StreamHandler
        formatter: simple
        stream: ext://sys.stdout
        class: logging.FileHandler
        formatter: simple
        filename: ${hydra.runtime.output_dir}/${}.log
      level: INFO
      - console
      - file
    disable_existing_loggers: false
  env: {}
  mode: RUN
  searchpath: []
  callbacks: {}
  output_subdir: .hydra
    - hydra.mode=RUN
    task: []
    name: main
    chdir: null
    override_dirname: ''
    id: ???
    num: ???
    config_name: config
    env_set: {}
    env_copy: []
        kv_sep: '='
        item_sep: ','
        exclude_keys: []
    version: 1.3.2
    version_base: '1.3'
    cwd: /Users/gaohn/gaohn/omniverse
    - path: hydra.conf
      schema: pkg
      provider: hydra
    - path: /Users/gaohn/gaohn/omniverse/omnixamples/software_engineering/config_management/hydra/configs
      schema: file
      provider: main
    - path: ''
      schema: structured
      provider: schema
    output_dir: /Users/gaohn/gaohn/omniverse/artifacts/cifar10/20240509_155331
      optimizer: base
      stores: base
      transform: base
      datamodule: base
      model: base
      hydra/env: default
      hydra/callbacks: null
      hydra/job_logging: default
      hydra/hydra_logging: default
      hydra/hydra_help: default
      hydra/help: default
      hydra/sweeper: basic
      hydra/launcher: basic
      hydra/output: default
  verbose: false
[2024-05-09 15:53:31,713][__main__][INFO] - Type of config is: <class 'omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig'>
[2024-05-09 15:53:31,715][__main__][INFO] - Merged Yaml:
  num_classes: 10
  device: cpu
  project_name: cifar10
  debug: true
  seed: 1992
  num_epochs: 3
  model_name: resnet18
  pretrained: true
  in_chans: 3
  num_classes: ${train.num_classes}
  global_pool: avg
  data_dir: !!python/object/apply:pathlib.PosixPath
  - data
  batch_size: 32
  num_workers: 0
  shuffle: true
  image_size: 256
  - 0.485
  - 0.456
  - 0.406
  - 0.229
  - 0.224
  - 0.225
  project_name: ${train.project_name}
  unique_id: ${now:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}
  logs_dir: !!python/object/apply:pathlib.PosixPath
  - logs
  model_artifacts_dir: !!python/object/apply:pathlib.PosixPath
  - artifacts
  optimizer_name: AdamW
    lr: 0.0003
    - 0.9
    - 0.999
    amsgrad: false
    weight_decay: 1.0e-06
    eps: 1.0e-08

[2024-05-09 15:53:31,715][__main__][INFO] - main

One highlight is we can override this configuration file with command line arguments. So if you tend to have many config folders, then this can come in handy.

python train.num_epochs=5

and now in overrides.yaml you will see

- train.num_epochs=5


  1. Once you load the configuration, you can access the configuration values using the dot (chain) notation. This is because config is loaded as OmegaConf’s DictConfig object. They inherit from dict and MutableMapping so you can access the values using the dot notation access pattern. This is better than using config["train"]["num_classes"] because it is more readable and less error prone, and also allow you to manipulate the object. One other reason is using dictionary is a bit hard to do type checking.

  2. Allow command line overrides. For example, you can override the model_name from model by

    python model.model_name=resnet50

    and the model_name will change during runtime. This is very useful when you want to run multiple experiments with different configurations. You won’t need to create multiple config files for each experiment just to change a single/few value(s).

  3. A natural follow-up question is about persistence. If I can easily override the configuration, then how do I make sure the configuration is saved somewhere? Versioning the configs is just as important as versioning your code in Machine Learning. Usually I would dump these config to a registry or store in code.

    The highlight here is Hydra also saves the final configuration to an output folder. By default, it is stored in outputs/YYYY-MM-DD/HH-MM-SS/.hydra/config.yaml. Now you can revert back to this exact run by specifying the directory.

    python --config_path outputs/2022-01-12/12-00-00/.hydra/config.yaml

    to recover your run. Here YYYY-MM-DD/HH-MM-SS is like your unique run_id for each run. You can also change it as follows in config.yaml:

        dir: "${stores.model_artifacts_dir}/${train.project_name}/${stores.unique_id}" # in sync with stores
  4. One more good to have feature is overriding hydra’s own default settings, such as the job and run settings. You can either do it via config.yaml or manually create a folder called hydra and put the specifics inside. See here for an example.

  5. Multi-run. Hydra allows you to run multiple experiments in parallel. This is very useful when you want to run multiple experiments with different configurations. You can specify the number of runs and the configuration to use. See here for more examples.

    python model.model_name=resnet18,resnet50 --multirun

    This will run two experiments in parallel, one with resnet18 and the other with resnet50. We see the true power of it if you want to do hyperparameter search, where you want to sweep over multiple values for a single parameter.

    Now in the same directory, an multirun folder will be created and inside it, you will see two runs, one with resnet18 and the other with resnet50. Each process is indexed by an integer. For example, resnet18 is indexed by 0 and resnet50 is indexed by 1.

    It is also worth noting that since the hydra’s creator is from facebook, it is very easy to integrate with PyTorch’s distributed trainings.

  • Interpolation: This is an extremely highlighted feature of hydra. For example, we have num_classes defined under the train schema. However, this parameter is also used in the model schema, defining the number of output neurons. It can also be used in the datamodule schema (not shown here), where we need to know the number of classes to create certain class mapping. Repeatedly defining the same parameter over different config schema is prone to mistake. This is like hardcoding the same value NUM_CLASSES in different python scripts. Here we use the idea of polymorphism to define the num_classes in the train schema and use interpolation to inject this all around with ${train.num_classes}.

Structured Config#

Structured Config, this is what Hydra call when your config is complex enough to warrant object representations. For example, our config.yaml is currently just a Yaml representation. But under the hood, you can think of it as composed of model, optimizer, store and other schemas.

For each of these objects, you can define its own schema. This is very useful when you want to validate the configuration.

In hydra, you can define the schema using dataclasses.

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List

class TransformConfig:
    image_size: int
    mean: List[float]
    std: List[float]

class ModelConfig:
    model_name: str
    pretrained: bool
    in_chans: int = field(metadata={"ge": 1})  # in_channels must be greater than or equal to 1
    num_classes: int = field(metadata={"ge": 1})  # num_classes must be greater than or equal to 1
    global_pool: str

class StoresConfig:
    project_name: str
    unique_id: str
    logs_dir: Path
    model_artifacts_dir: Path

class TrainConfig:
    device: str
    project_name: str
    debug: bool
    seed: int
    num_epochs: int
    num_classes: int = 3

class OptimizerConfig:
    optimizer: str
    optimizer_params: Dict[str, Any]

class DataConfig:
    data_dir: Path
    batch_size: int
    num_workers: int
    shuffle: bool = True

class Config:
    model: ModelConfig
    augmentations: TransformConfig
    datamodule: DataConfig
    optimizer: OptimizerConfig
    stores: StoresConfig
    train: TrainConfig

    def from_dict(cls, config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Config:
        return cls(
import logging

import hydra
from hydra.core.config_store import ConfigStore
from hydra.core.hydra_config import HydraConfig
from omegaconf import OmegaConf

from omnixamples.software_engineering.config_management.hydra.configs.base import (
from omnixamples.software_engineering.config_management.train import train

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cs = ConfigStore.instance()"base_config", node=Config)"model", node=ModelConfig)"optimizer", node=OptimizerConfig)"stores", node=StoresConfig)"train", node=TrainConfig)"transform", node=TransformConfig)"datamodule", node=DataConfig)

@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="configs", config_name="config")
def run(config: Config) -> None:
    """Run the main function.""""Type of config is: %s", type(config))"Merged Yaml:\n%s", OmegaConf.to_yaml(config))

    config_obj = OmegaConf.to_object(config)"Type of config is: %s", type(config_obj))

if __name__ == "__main__":

More details here. You can find how groups can be used to indicate inheritance.

The dependency injection here is merely a change of the type of the config argument, from DictConfig to Config. The rest of the code remains the same. The command line arguments are still the same.

Having dataclass representation also offers more flexibility from manipulating the object to type hint. But validation still remains a problem as using __post_init__ method is not well supported when working with hydra. However, you can decouple the usage of dataclass from hydras’ dependency injection. For example, you can load the config from hydra and instantiate through the dataclass without the use of ConfigStore. This idea is made better when used together with Pydantic since it offers validation and serialization. As we shall see later, Pydantic is a better version of dataclass where it offers more features like pre-post validation, type checking, constraints and better serialization. Just watch Jason Liu’s Pydantic Is All You Need to get a sense how good pydantic is. In fact, with the rise of LLM, we can see most big libraries built around it are leveraging pydantic.


  • Serializing/Deserializing canonical or complex python objects are not well supported. In earlier versions, objects like pathlib.Path are not supported.

  • Structured config is only limited to dataclass. This means that you cannot create your own custom abstraction. For example, you cannot create a Model class without invoking dataclass decorator, and still be able to interact with hydra.

  • No type checking. This is a big problem. You can define num_classes as an int but user passes in a str of "10" instead of 10, but hydra will not complain. This means that you have to do type checking yourself (i.e. do checks all over the application/business logic code).

  • No validation support. This means that if your global pooling methods support only avg and max, you have to do the validation yourself. This is a big problem because you have to do the validation all over the place.

  • Interpolation is really good, but the inability to simple manipulation over it caused a lot of complaints. Like if you defined a learning rate as lr: 0.001 and you want to multiply it by 10 in another config file, you cannot do 10 * ${lr}.


You can also instantiate objects with hydra.

Composition Order#

By default, Hydra 1.1 appends _self_ to the end of the Defaults List. This behavior is new in Hydra 1.1 and different from previous Hydra versions. As such Hydra 1.1 issues a warning if _self_ is not specified in the primary config, asking you to add _self_ and thus indicate the desired composition order. To address the warning while maintaining the new behavior, append _self_ to the end of the Defaults List. Note that in some cases it may instead be desirable to add _self_ directly after the schema and before other Defaults List elements.

See Composition Order for more information.


Pydantic is all you need and it solves all the aforementioned problems. We still leverage yaml based configuration with easy command line overrides, but this time, we also pass the compiled configuration from hydra to pydantic for validation and serialization during runtime.

Pydantic Schema#

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Type

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator
from typing_extensions import Annotated

class TransformConfig(BaseModel):
    image_size: int
    mean: List[float]
    std: List[float]

class ModelConfig(BaseModel):
    model_name: str
    pretrained: bool
    in_chans: Annotated[int, Field(strict=True, ge=1)]  # in_channels must be greater than or equal to 1
    num_classes: Annotated[int, Field(strict=True, ge=1)]  # num_classes must be greater than or equal to 1
    global_pool: str

    def validate_global_pool(cls: Type[ModelConfig], global_pool: str) -> str:
        """Validates global_pool is in ["avg", "max"]."""
        if global_pool not in ["avg", "max"]:
            raise ValueError("global_pool must be avg or max")
        return global_pool

    class Config:
        protected_namespaces = ()

class StoresConfig(BaseModel):
    project_name: str
    unique_id: str
    logs_dir: Path
    model_artifacts_dir: Path

    class Config:
        protected_namespaces = ()

class TrainConfig(BaseModel):
    device: str
    project_name: str
    debug: bool
    seed: int
    num_epochs: int
    num_classes: int = 3

class OptimizerConfig(BaseModel):
    optimizer_name: str
    optimizer_params: Dict[str, Any]

class DataConfig(BaseModel):
    data_dir: Path
    batch_size: int
    num_workers: int
    shuffle: bool = True

class Config(BaseModel):
    model: ModelConfig
    transform: TransformConfig
    datamodule: DataConfig
    optimizer: OptimizerConfig
    stores: StoresConfig
    train: TrainConfig

    def from_dict(cls, config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Config:
        """Creates Config object from a dictionary."""
        return cls(**config_dict)


  • Able to serialize and deserialize objects to and from DICT, JSON, YAML, and other formats. For example, the following code will serialize a Dict object to Pydantics’ Model object. It can also convert back to Dict object.

    class ModelConfig(BaseModel):
        model_name: str
        pretrained: bool
        in_chans: Annotated[int, Field(strict=True, ge=1)]  # in_channels must be greater than or equal to 1
        num_classes: Annotated[int, Field(strict=True, ge=1)]  # num_classes must be greater than or equal to 1
        global_pool: str
        def validate_global_pool(cls: Type[ModelConfig], global_pool: str) -> str:
            """Validates global_pool is in ["avg", "max"]."""
            if global_pool not in ["avg", "max"]:
                raise ValueError("global_pool must be avg or max")
            return global_pool
        class Config:
            protected_namespaces = ()
    model_config_dict = {
        "model_name": "resnet18",
        "pretrained": True,
        "in_chans": 3,
        "num_classes": 1000,
        "global_pool": "avg",
    model = Model(**model_config_dict)
    assert model.model_dump() == model_config_dict
  • Validation of data types and values. For a large and complex configuration, you either validate the sanity of config at the config level, or check at the code level (i.e. sprinkled throughout your codebase). - Constrained types

    model = Model(

    This will raise an error because in_chans is less than 1. Pydantic offers a wide range of constrained types out of the box for you to use. If that is not enough, then the custom validators can be used to validate the data with custom needs.

  • Custom Validators

    model = Model(

    This will raise an error because global_pool is not avg or max. We implemented this custom checks in the validate_global_pool method where we decorated it with @field_validator("global_pool").

There are many other good things like in-built type checking, and coercion. In the next section we see how we combine Hydra and Pydantic together.


The provided code shows a way to merge Hydra and Pydantic in a machine learning training pipeline, using Hydra for hierarchical configuration and command-line interface, and Pydantic for data validation and type checking.

A Hydra-based application entry point is created using the @hydra.main() decorator. This will use the Hydra library to manage configuration files and command-line arguments. Hydra’s config_path and config_name are specified to tell Hydra where to find the configuration files.

This hydra_to_pydantic will take in a hydra’s DictConfig and convert it to a pydantic’s Config object.

import logging
from typing import Any, Dict

import hydra
from hydra.core.hydra_config import HydraConfig
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
from rich.pretty import pprint

from omnixamples.software_engineering.config_management.pydantic.config import Config
from omnixamples.software_engineering.config_management.train import train

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def hydra_to_pydantic(config: DictConfig) -> Config:
    """Converts Hydra config to Pydantic config."""
    # use to_container to resolve
    config_dict: Dict[str, Any] = OmegaConf.to_object(config)  # type: ignore[assignment]
    return Config(**config_dict)

@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="../hydra/configs", config_name="config")
def run(config: DictConfig) -> None:
    """Run the main function.""""Type of config is: %s", type(config))"Merged Yaml:\n%s", OmegaConf.to_yaml(config))

    config_pydantic = hydra_to_pydantic(config)

if __name__ == "__main__":

References and Further Readings#