Vector and Its Definition#
Learning Objectives#
Understand Geometric Definition of Vectors: Comprehend vectors as entities with both magnitude and direction.
Differentiate Vectors and Coordinates: Identify the distinction between a vector and its spatial coordinates.
Learn Vector Invariance Under Coordinate Transformation: Recognize a vector’s unchanging properties under different coordinate systems.
Explore Algebraic Definition of Vectors: Understand vectors as ordered tuples in \(D\)-dimensional space over field \(\mathbb{F}\).
Comprehend Vector Orientation: Recognize column and row vectors as specific matrix forms.
Grasp Equality of Vectors: Understand geometric and algebraic perspectives of vector equality.
Learn About Transpose of Vectors: Understand the operation and effects of vector transposition.
Familiarize with Properties of Transpose: Learn key properties like double transpose and transpose operations on vector sums and scalar multiplications.
Geometric Definition#
Definition 185 (Geometric Definition of a Vector)
A vector is a mathematical object that possesses both magnitude and direction. Geometrically, it is represented as a directed line segment, where the length of the line indicates its magnitude and its orientation in space signifies its direction.
Example 53 (Vector versus Coordinate)
A key distinction in linear algebra is between a vector and a coordinate in space:
The three coordinates (tail of the line segment) in Fig. 65 are distinct, the three vectors (lines) are equivalent. This equivalence is because each vector represents a movement of 1 unit to the right and 2 units down in a two-dimensional space, denoted conventionally as a vector \(\mathbf{v} = [1, -2]\) (bolded or \(\vec{v}\)). When positioned at the origin, the head of this vector aligns with the coordinate point \((1, -2)\). The takeaway is that all 3 vectors have the same magnitude and direction and can be represented by the vector \(\mathbf{v} = [1, -2]\).
Show code cell source
1fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 9))
2plotter = VectorPlotter2D(
3 fig=fig,
4 ax=ax,
5 ax_kwargs={
6 'set_xlim': {'left': -5, 'right': 5},
7 'set_ylim': {'bottom': -5, 'top': 5},
8 'set_xlabel': {'xlabel': 'X-axis', 'fontsize': 12},
9 'set_ylabel': {'ylabel': 'Y-axis', 'fontsize': 12},
10 'set_title': {'label': 'Vector Plot with Annotations', 'fontsize': 16},
11 }
14# Define vectors
15vector1 = Vector2D(origin=(0, 0), direction=(1, -2), color="r", label="v1")
16vector2 = Vector2D(origin=(2, 2), direction=(1, -2), color="g", label="v2")
17vector3 = Vector2D(origin=(-2, -2), direction=(1, -2), color="b", label="v3")
19# Add vectors and annotations to plotter
20for vector in [vector1, vector2, vector3]:
21 plotter.add_vector(vector)
22 annotation_text = f"{vector.label}: ({vector.direction[0]}, {vector.direction[1]})"
23 plotter.add_text(vector.origin[0] + vector.direction[0]/2,
24 vector.origin[1] + vector.direction[1]/2,
25 annotation_text, fontsize=12, color=vector.color)
28save_path = Path("./assets/01-vector-definition-vector-versus-coordinate.svg")
29if not save_path.exists():
Fig. 65 Three of the same vectors with different starting coordinates; By Hongnan G.#
Vector is Invariant under Coordinate Transformation#
The geometric interpretation of vectors is crucial, and this aspect deserves special emphasis. We often state that a vector is invariant under coordinate transformation[1].
Consider a vector \(\mathbf{v}\) in a vector space. Mathematically, this can be represented as the following:
where \(v_d\) is the \(d\)th component of the vector. The vector \(\mathbf{v}\) is in an \(D\)-dimensional space. The important concept to grasp here is that the vector \(\mathbf{v}\) itself is an abstract entity, distinct from how it’s represented in any particular coordinate system.
Theorem 77 (Vector is Invariant under Coordinate Transformation)
A given vector, \(\mathbf{v}\), remains the same entity, irrespective of the coordinate system used to describe it. This property is referred to as the invariance of a vector under coordinate transformations. In essence, the vector’s intrinsic properties—its direction and magnitude—do not change, even though its coordinates might vary with different choices of basis.
For example, consider the vector \(\mathbf{v}\) in a two-dimensional space. In one coordinate system, \(\mathbf{v}\) might have coordinates \((x, y)\), but in a rotated coordinate system, its coordinates could appear different, say \((x', y')\). Despite this change in representation, the vector \(\mathbf{v}\) itself has not changed; it still has the same length and points in the same direction in space.
This is perfectly illustrated in Fig. 65, where the three vectors have different coordinates but are equivalent because they have the same orientation (direction) and length (magnitude). To be more verbose, the vector \(\mathbf{v}_1\) has the tail at the origin, so we say that its basis is the standard basis. The vector \(\mathbf{v}_2\) has the tail at the point \((2, 2)\), so we say that its basis is the basis with the origin at \((2, 2)\). The vector \(\mathbf{v}_3\) has the tail at the point \((-2, -2)\), so we say that its basis is the basis with the origin at \((-2, -2)\). Consequently, no matter which origin the vector is based on, the vector itself is the same because it moves 1 unit to the right and 2 units down in a two-dimensional space.
The concept of basis is central to this idea. A basis provides a frame of reference for describing vectors. Changing the basis is akin to changing the viewpoint but not the vector itself. At this juncture, diving deeply into the concept of basis might be overwhelming, but it’s helpful to think of a basis as our point of reference. In our discussions, we are considering the origin as this reference point.
Algebraic Definition#
Definition 186 (Algebraic Definition of a Vector)
In the context of linear algebra, a vector \(\mathbf{v}\) within an \(D\)-dimensional space over a field \(\mathbb{F}\) is defined as an ordered \(D\)-tuple of elements from \(\mathbb{F}\). Specifically, if \(\mathbb{F}\) is a field (such as the real numbers \(\mathbb{R}\) or the complex numbers \(\mathbb{C}\)) and \(D\) is a positive integer, then a vector \(\mathbf{v}\) with \(D\) entries \(v_1, v_2, \cdots, v_D\), where each \(v_d\) belongs to \(\mathbb{F}\), is termed an \(D\)-vector[2] over \(\mathbb{F}\).
Mathematically, \(\mathbf{v}\) is represented as:
This notation emphasizes that \(\mathbf{v}\) is an ordered collection of elements, where the order of these elements is crucial to the definition of the vector. The set of all such \(D\)-vectors over \(\mathbb{F}\) is denoted by \(\mathbb{F}^D\):
In the context of vector spaces, which will be explored in more detail later, these \(D\)-vectors form the fundamental elements of the space, adhering to specific rules of addition and scalar multiplication consistent with the properties of the field \(\mathbb{F}\). This algebraic perspective is essential in understanding the structure and operations within vector spaces.
Vector Orientation#
In the context of linear algebra and its applications, the orientation of vectors is a fundamental concept, typically categorized into column vectors and row vectors.
Column Vector: A column vector \(\mathbf{v}\) in a \(D\)-dimensional real vector space, denoted as \(\mathbf{v} \in \mathbb{R}^{D}\), is defined as a \(D \times 1\) matrix. Each element of this vector is a real number, and the vector is represented as:
\[\begin{split} \mathbf{v} = \begin{bmatrix} v_1 \\ v_2 \\ \vdots \\ v_D \end{bmatrix}_{D \times 1} \end{split}\]where \(v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_D \in \mathbb{R}\). The subscript notation \(_{D \times 1}\) emphasizes that \(\mathbf{v}\) is a matrix with \(D\) rows and 1 column.
Row Vector: Similarly, a row vector \(\mathbf{v}\) in \(\mathbb{R}^{D}\) is defined as a \(1 \times D\) matrix. It is the transpose of a column vector and is represented as:
\[ \mathbf{v} = \begin{bmatrix} v_1 & v_2 & \cdots & v_D \end{bmatrix}_{1 \times D} \]with \(v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_D \in \mathbb{R}\). The subscript notation \(_{1 \times D}\) indicates that \(\mathbf{v}\) is a matrix with 1 row and \(D\) columns.
It is worth noting that row and column vectors can be viewed as matrices with special dimensions. This perspective is useful in understanding the representation of vectors in the context of matrix operations, which will be explored in more detail later.
Remark 75 (Standard Representation of Vectors)
In most contexts within linear algebra and its applications, the standard representation of a vector \(\mathbf{v}\) is as a column vector. This convention aligns with the typical matrix multiplication rules where a column vector can be viewed as a matrix with a single column. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, vectors are assumed to be column vectors in mathematical discussions and computations.
1# array, no orientation
2v = np.array([1, 2, 3])
3rich.print(f"v: {v}")
4rich.print(f"v shape: {v.shape}")
6# col. vector, note that the shape is (3, 1), means a 3 by 1 vector
7col_v = np.array([[1], [2], [3]])
8rich.print(f"col_v: \n{col_v}")
9rich.print(f"col_v shape: {col_v.shape}")
11# row vector, note that the shape is (1, 3), means a 1 by 3 vector
12row_v = np.array([[1, 2, 3]])
13rich.print(f"row_v: {row_v}")
14rich.print(f"row_v shape: {row_v.shape}")
v: [1 2 3]
v shape: (3,)
col_v: [[1] [2] [3]]
col_v shape: (3, 1)
row_v: [[1 2 3]]
row_v shape: (1, 3)
Equality of Vectors#
Definition 187 (Equality of Vectors)
Geometric Perspective: In the context of the geometric interpretation of vectors, two vectors \(\mathbf{u}\) and \(\mathbf{v}\) are considered equal if and only if they have identical magnitudes and directions. This definition implies that vectors are free vectors, meaning their position in space is irrelevant to their definition. Consequently, two vectors that appear different in terms of their starting points but have the same length and direction (orientation) are in fact the same vector geometrically. This is illustrated by the example in Fig. 65, where three vectors may visually appear distinct but are geometrically equivalent.
Algebraic Perspective: From the algebraic viewpoint, consider two vectors \(\mathbf{v}\) and \(\mathbf{w}\) in an \(D\)-dimensional space over a field \(\mathbb{F}\), represented as column vectors:
\[\begin{split} \mathbf{v} = \begin{bmatrix} v_{1} \\ v_{2} \\ \vdots \\ v_{D} \end{bmatrix}, \quad \mathbf{w} = \begin{bmatrix} w_{1} \\ w_{2} \\ \vdots \\ w_{D} \end{bmatrix}. \end{split}\]These vectors are equal if and only if each corresponding element of \(\mathbf{v}\) is equal to the corresponding element of \(\mathbf{w}\). Mathematically, this is expressed as:
\[ v_{d} = w_{d} \quad \text{for all} \quad d \in \{1, 2, \cdots, D\}. \]This definition emphasizes the ordered nature of vectors in algebraic terms, where equality is established component-wise.
Transpose of a Vector#
Definition 188 (Transpose of a Vector)
We revisit the concept of transpose from the perspective of column and row vectors. The transpose of a vector \(\mathbf{v}\) is a fundamental operation that converts a row vector to a column vector and vice versa.
Column Vector: A column vector in \(D\)-dimensional space, denoted as \(\mathbf{v} \in \mathbb{R}^D\), is represented as a \(D \times 1\) matrix (a matrix with \(D\) rows and 1 column). It is defined as:
\[\begin{split} \mathbf{v} = \begin{bmatrix} v_{1} \\ v_{2} \\ \vdots \\ v_{D} \end{bmatrix}_{D \times 1}. \end{split}\]Here, \(v_{d}\) represents the \(d\)-th element of the vector \(\mathbf{v}\), where \(d \in \{1, 2, \ldots, D\}\).
Row Vector: A row vector is the transpose of a column vector. The transpose of vector \(\mathbf{v}\), denoted as \(\mathbf{v}^T\), is a \(1 \times D\) matrix (a matrix with 1 row and \(D\) columns). It is represented as:
\[ \mathbf{v}^T = \begin{bmatrix} v_{1} & v_{2} & \cdots & v_{D} \end{bmatrix}_{1 \times D}. \]The operation of transposition changes the orientation of the vector from vertical to horizontal.
Properties of Transpose#
Property 26 (Properties of Transpose)
Double Transpose: The transpose of the transpose of a vector returns the original vector, i.e., \(\left(\mathbf{v}^T\right)^T = \mathbf{v}\).
Transpose of a Sum: The transpose of a sum of two vectors is equal to the sum of their transposes, i.e., \((\mathbf{u} + \mathbf{v})^T = \mathbf{u}^T + \mathbf{v}^T\) for any vectors \(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v} \in \mathbb{R}^D\).
Transpose of Scalar Multiplication: The transpose of a scalar multiple of a vector is the scalar multiple of the transpose of the vector, i.e., \((c\mathbf{v})^T = c\mathbf{v}^T\) for any scalar \(c \in \mathbb{R}\) and any and vector \(\mathbf{v} \in \mathbb{R}^D\).
References and Further Readings#
Axler, S. (1997). Linear Algebra Done Right. Springer New York. (Chapter 1.A).