Two Pointers#
The Two Pointers Technique is a method where two pointers are used to traverse an array from two different points. Typically, this method is employed in a sorted array or list where the goal is to solve problems that demand the use of less time complexity, which is a primary factor in optimizing algorithms.
The two pointers technique is very useful in solving problems with linear data structures like arrays and linked lists. It’s most often used when we need to find a pair of elements in the array that meet certain conditions.
Here is a breakdown of the two pointers technique:
Initialization: You initialize two pointers, a left pointer (usually denoted as
) that starts from the beginning of the array, and a right pointer (usually denoted asright
) that starts from the end of the array.Traversal: Depending upon the condition, both pointers start moving towards each other. This movement can either be step-by-step or in a skip-over fashion (like in binary search).
Meeting Point: The process continues until the two pointers meet, which will be the case if the array is traversed completely.
The two pointers technique can be classified into two types based on the direction of the two pointers:
Same Direction Two Pointers: In this, both pointers traverse in the same direction. An example is the Sliding Window algorithm.
Opposite Direction Two Pointers: Here, pointers traverse in the opposite direction. A typical example is to find the target sum in a sorted array or to sort a binary array.
Applications of the two pointers technique in computer science are numerous:
Array and List Problems: The technique is used to solve various array and list problems efficiently, such as finding a pair with a given sum, removing duplicates from a sorted list, and others.
String Manipulation: The two pointers technique is frequently used in string manipulation problems, like checking if a string is a palindrome or not.
Linked List Problems: The technique can be used to solve problems like finding the middle element of a linked list, detecting a cycle in a linked list, finding the kth element from the end in a single pass, and others.
Despite its apparent simplicity, the two pointers technique underpins many algorithmic problems and solutions. Mastering how it works is crucial to understanding, designing, and implementing effective algorithms and data structures.
For more information about the two pointers technique, LeetCode has a Two Pointers category dedicated to problems that can be solved using this technique. The problems range in difficulty levels, allowing learners to gradually master this technique.
The Two Pointers Technique#
The two pointers technique is a common algorithmic strategy that utilizes two pointers that traverse through an array in a synchronized manner, often with the objective of finding a pair of elements satisfying a particular condition or reducing the time complexity of an otherwise expensive operation.
Two Pointers Same Direction#
Suppose we have a sequence \(S\) defined as:
of \(n\) elements where \(s_i \in \mathbb{R}\) for all \(1 \leq i \leq n\). We have two pointers \(i\) and \(j\), such that \(1 \leq i, j \leq n\) and \(i \leq j\).
The task often involves finding a pair of elements \(s_i\) and \(s_j\) that satisfy a particular condition \(C(s_i, s_j)\). The pointers are moved according to the evaluation of condition \(C\) and the specific problem requirements. The general algorithm can be described as follows:
Algorithm 9 (Two Pointers Technique)
Input: Sequence \(S\) of \(n\) elements, Condition \(C\)
Initialize \(i, j = 1\)
While \(i \leq n\) and \(j \leq n\) do:
If \(C(s_i, s_j)\) is True:
Process valid pair \((s_i, s_j)\)
Increment \(i\) by \(1\)
Else, increment \(j\) by \(1\)
End while
In this algorithm, we start with both pointers at the beginning of the sequence. We evaluate condition \(C(s_i, s_j)\). If it’s satisfied, we process the pair and move the left pointer forward. If it’s not, we move the right pointer forward. This continues until we’ve traversed the whole sequence.
This technique is particularly useful when the sequence is sorted, and condition \(C\) represents some form of order relationship between \(s_i\) and \(s_j\), but it can be used in many different contexts.
Removing Duplicates from a Sorted Array#
In the context of the “Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array” problem, the sequence \(S\) can be defined as \(S = [s_1, s_2, ..., s_n]\), where \(s_i\) denotes the \(i\)-th element in the array.
For this problem, we start with two pointers, \(i\) and \(j\), at the beginning of the array. The role of these two pointers is to identify duplicates and help maintain the “uniqueness” of elements in the processed part of the array:
The “slow” pointer \(i\) marks the position where the next unique element should be placed.
The “fast” pointer \(j\) scans through the array to find the next unique element.
The condition \(C(s_i, s_j)\) that guides the movement of the pointers in this case is \(s_i \neq s_j\), which checks if the current element and the next element in the array are different.
If \(C(s_i, s_j)\) is True (i.e., \(s_i \neq s_j\)), we have found a non-duplicate element. In this case, we increment \(i\) by 1 and update the element at the \(i\)-th position with the value of \(s_j\), i.e., \(s_i = s_j\).
If \(C(s_i, s_j)\) is False (i.e., \(s_i = s_j\)), we have found a duplicate. In this case, we increment \(j\) by 1 to continue scanning for the next non-duplicate.
This approach works because the array is sorted, so any duplicate values must be adjacent in the array. The two pointers, \(i\) and \(j\), help us keep track of the “processed” part of the array (up to index \(i\)) and the “unprocessed” part (from index \(j\) onwards).
By moving the pointers according to condition \(C(s_i, s_j)\), we effectively “remove” duplicates by overwriting them with unique elements, and the first \(i+1\) elements in the array will be the unique elements.
Two Pointers Opposite Direction#
The two-pointer technique can certainly be used with pointers moving in different directions. This is often referred to as the “two-pointer technique with meet in the middle”. It’s typically used in sorted arrays where the goal is to find two elements that meet a certain condition.
Here’s a mathematical formulation for the case where the pointers move towards each other:
Suppose we have a sequence \(S\) defined as:
of \(n\) elements where \(s_i \in \mathbb{R}\) for all \(1 \leq i \leq n\). We have two pointers, \(i\) and \(j\), initially positioned at the start and end of the sequence, respectively.
The task often involves finding a pair of elements \(s_i\) and \(s_j\) that satisfy a particular condition \(C(s_i, s_j)\). The pointers are moved according to the evaluation of condition \(C\) and the specific problem requirements.
The general algorithm can be described as follows:
Algorithm 10 (Two Pointers Technique with Meet in the Middle)
Input: Sequence \(S\) of \(n\) elements, Condition \(C\)
Initialize \(i = 1, j = n\)
While \(i < j\) do:
If \(C(s_i, s_j)\) is True:
Process valid pair \((s_i, s_j)\)
Increment \(i\) by 1
Else, decrement \(j\) by 1
End while
In this algorithm, we start with one pointer at the beginning of the sequence and the other at the end. We evaluate condition \(C(s_i, s_j)\). If it’s satisfied, we process the pair and move the left pointer forward. If it’s not, we move the right pointer backward. This continues until the two pointers meet.
This variation of the two-pointer technique is particularly useful when the sequence is sorted, and condition \(C\) represents some form of order relationship between \(s_i\) and \(s_j\). It’s often used in problems related to pair sum, where you need to find two numbers in the array that add up to a given target.
Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted#
We see a classic problem “Find Two Numbers That Add Up to a Given Target”:
Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted
Given a 1-indexed array of integers numbers
that is already sorted in
non-decreasing order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific
number. Let these two numbers be numbers[index1]
1 \leq \text{index1} < \text{index2} \leq \text{numbers.length}
Return the indices of the two numbers, index1
and index2
, added by
one as an integer array [index1, index2]
of length 2.
The tests are generated such that there is exactly one solution. You may not use the same element twice.
Your solution must use only constant extra space.
We can define the sequence \(S\) can be defined as \(S = [s_1, s_2, ..., s_n]\), where \(s_i\) denotes the \(i\)-th element in the array.
For this problem, we start with two pointers, \(i\) and \(j\), at the beginning and end of the array, respectively. The role of these two pointers is to identify pairs of elements that add up to the given target:
The “left” pointer \(i\) starts from the beginning of the array (smallest element) and moves towards larger values.
The “right” pointer \(j\) starts from the end of the array (largest element) and moves towards smaller values.
The condition \(C(s_i, s_j)\) that guides the movement of the pointers in this case checks whether the sum of the current pair of elements equals, is less than, or is greater than the target:
If \(C(s_i, s_j)\) is \(s_i + s_j = \text{target}\), we have found a pair of elements that add up to the target. In this case, we return the pair \((i, j)\).
If \(C(s_i, s_j)\) is \(s_i + s_j < \text{target}\), the current sum is less than the target. In this case, we increment \(i\) by 1 to increase the sum, as we can get a larger sum by considering a larger \(s_i\) due to the sorted nature of the array.
If \(C(s_i, s_j)\) is \(s_i + s_j > \text{target}\), the current sum is more than the target. In this case, we decrement \(j\) by 1 to decrease the sum, as we can get a smaller sum by considering a smaller \(s_j\) due to the sorted nature of the array.
This approach works because the array is sorted, so by moving the pointers inward based on the comparison of the current sum with the target, we can find a pair that adds up to the target, if it exists. The two pointers, \(i\) and \(j\), help us control the sum and traverse the array in \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) time.