Invariance, Covariance and Contravariance#

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The Motivation#

This section is not particulary easy. So let’s open with an example, a classic one written by the author of Python, Guido van Rossum.

1def append_pi(lst: List[float]) -> None:
2    lst.append(3.14) # original is lst += [3.14]
4my_list = [1, 3, 5]  # type: List[int]
6_ = append_pi(my_list)   # Naively, this should be safe..
[1, 3, 5, 3.14]

The function append_pi is supposed to append the value of \(\pi\) to the list lst. However, the type of lst is List[float], and the type of my_list is List[int]. The function append_pi is supposed to be safe, but it is not. Why not? Isn’t int (integers \(\mathbb{Z}\)) a subtype of float (real numbers \(\mathbb{R}\))? Did we not establish this in the section on subsumption?

Yes, we did. However, int being a subtype of float does not imply that List[int] is a subtype of List[float]. Upon reflection, this makes sense, because the above code would break the second criterion of subtyping ( Criterion 3). The second criterion states that the if the type \(S\) is a subtype of \(T\), then if \(T\) has \(N\) methods, then \(S\) must have at least the same set of \(N\) methods. Furthermore, it must preserve the semantics of the functions. Let’s build a mental model to understand why this is the case. Consider the python implementation of List,

_T = TypeVar("_T")

class list(MutableSequence[_T]):
    def __init__(self) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self, __iterable: Iterable[_T]) -> None: ...
    def copy(self) -> list[_T]: ...
    def append(self, __object: _T) -> None: ...
    def extend(self, __iterable: Iterable[_T]) -> None: ...
    def pop(self, __index: SupportsIndex = -1) -> _T: ...
    # Signature of `list.index` should be kept in line with `collections.UserList.index()`
    # and multiprocessing.managers.ListProxy.index()
    def index(self, __value: _T, __start: SupportsIndex = 0, __stop: SupportsIndex = sys.maxsize) -> int: ...
    def count(self, __value: _T) -> int: ...
    def insert(self, __index: SupportsIndex, __object: _T) -> None: ...
    def remove(self, __value: _T) -> None: ...
    # Signature of `list.sort` should be kept inline with `collections.UserList.sort()`
    # and multiprocessing.managers.ListProxy.sort()
    # Use list[SupportsRichComparisonT] for the first overload rather than [SupportsRichComparison]
    # to work around invariance
    def sort(self: list[SupportsRichComparisonT], *, key: None = None, reverse: bool = False) -> None: ...
    def sort(self, *, key: Callable[[_T], SupportsRichComparison], reverse: bool = False) -> None: ...
    def __len__(self) -> int: ...
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_T]: ...
    __hash__: ClassVar[None]  # type: ignore[assignment]
    def __getitem__(self, __i: SupportsIndex) -> _T: ...
    def __getitem__(self, __s: slice) -> list[_T]: ...
    def __setitem__(self, __key: SupportsIndex, __value: _T) -> None: ...
    def __setitem__(self, __key: slice, __value: Iterable[_T]) -> None: ...
    def __delitem__(self, __key: SupportsIndex | slice) -> None: ...
    # Overloading looks unnecessary, but is needed to work around complex mypy problems
    def __add__(self, __value: list[_T]) -> list[_T]: ...
    def __add__(self, __value: list[_S]) -> list[_S | _T]: ...
    def __iadd__(self, __value: Iterable[_T]) -> Self: ...  # type: ignore[misc]
    def __mul__(self, __value: SupportsIndex) -> list[_T]: ...
    def __rmul__(self, __value: SupportsIndex) -> list[_T]: ...
    def __imul__(self, __value: SupportsIndex) -> Self: ...
    def __contains__(self, __key: object) -> bool: ...
    def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[_T]: ...
    def __gt__(self, __value: list[_T]) -> bool: ...
    def __ge__(self, __value: list[_T]) -> bool: ...
    def __lt__(self, __value: list[_T]) -> bool: ...
    def __le__(self, __value: list[_T]) -> bool: ...
    def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool: ...
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
        def __class_getitem__(cls, __item: Any) -> GenericAlias: ...

and now consider the following code:

def append_pi(lst: List[float]) -> None:

And since we parametrized the generic _T in List with float, the type append method append is now append(self, __object: float) -> None instead of append(self, __object: _T) -> None. And since my_list is of type List[int], the corresponding method append should be append(self, __object: int) -> None. If we were to append a float to my_list, the method append would break the second criterion of subtyping (and also Liskov’s substitution principle). Furthermore, when we pass my_list to append_pi, we are essentially assigning my_list: List[int] to lst: List[float]. This is not a safe operation because their signature in append are different. So even though both have the same method name append, they are not the same method.

And indeed running through this piece of code via a static type checker like mypy will raise an error.

6: error: Argument 1 to "append_pi" has incompatible type "list[int]"; expected "list[float]"  [arg-type]
    append_pi(my_list)   # Naively, this should be safe..
6: note: "List" is invariant -- see
6: note: Consider using "Sequence" instead, which is covariant

The mypy error message even gave you some suggestion that List is invariant.

The Definitions#

Let \(S\) and \(T\) be two types, and \(C[U]\) denotes a generic class and an application of a type constructor \(C\) parameterized by a type \(U\).

It is helpful for one to think of type constructors as classes. For example, List is a type constructor, and List[int] is an application of the type.


Definition 176 (Covariance)

Within the context of type theory, we say that the type constructor \(C\) is covariant if for any types \(S\) and \(T\), if \(S\) is a subtype of \(T\), then \(C[S]\) is a subtype of \(C[T]\).

\[ S \leq T \implies C[S] \leq C[T] \]

This behaviour preserves the ordering of types, which orders types from more specific to more generic.


Definition 177 (Contravariance)

Within the context of type theory, a type constructor \(C\) is contravariant if for any types \(S\) and \(T\), if \(S\) is a subtype of \(T\), then \(C[T]\) is a subtype of \(C[S]\).

\[ S \leq T \implies C[T] \leq C[S] \]

This behaviour reverses the ordering of types, moving from more generic to more specific. Contravariance is typically relevant in scenarios where the type constructor represents a producer or consumer that operates contrarily to the direction of subtype relationships in covariance.


Definition 178 (Invariance)

Invariance means that if you have a type constructor \(C\) and two types \(S\) and \(T\), then \(C[S]\) is neither a subtype nor a supertype of \(C[T]\) unless \(S\) and \(T\) are the same.

Equivalently, for any types \(S\) and \(T\), \(C[S]\) and \(C[T]\) are considered compatible or equivalent only if \(S = T\).

Mathematically, this concept does not have a direct inequality representation like covariance or contravariance because it states a condition of equality rather than a relational order. However, it implies:

\[ (S \neq T) \implies (C[S] \nleq C[T] \text{ and } C[T] \nleq C[S]) \]

And conversely:

\[ (S = T) \implies (C[S] = C[T]) \]

This means for invariance, the specific type instantiation of \(C\) with \(S\) can only be used in contexts expecting exactly \(C[S]\), not \(C[T]\) where \(T\) is different from \(S\), regardless of whether \(T\) is a subtype or supertype of \(S\).

List is Invariant#

Let’s connect back to our earlier example on why List is invariant. We will now use backticks instead of latex symbols to denote types and type constructors.


Covariance describes a relationship between types where a type T is considered a subtype of a type U (written as T U) if and only if a container of T (Container[T]) is considered a subtype of a container of U (Container[U]). This is natural for operations that produce or return values of the generic type (e.g., getters). In the context of our example, List[int] List[float] would hold true if List[T] were covariant, meaning that a list of integers could be used wherever a list of floats is expected, because every integer can be considered a float.

However, this relationship does not hold because the append method of a List[float] can accept any float as an argument, while append for a List[int] can only accept int values. Since appending a float to a List[int] is not type-safe (a float is not necessarily an int), the List type cannot be considered covariant. More concretely, if we assume that List[int] is indeed a subtype of List[float], then the append method of List[int] should do exactly the same thing as the append method of List[float]. But this is not the case.


Contravariance is the opposite: T U implies Container[U] Container[T]. This makes sense for containers that consume or operate on the generic type (e.g., setters). Using our example, List[float] List[int] would be true if List[T] were contravariant, meaning you could use a list expecting floats where a list of integers is required. This is because it’s safe to pass an integer where a float is expected, not the other way around.

The example illustrates that this relationship also doesn’t hold because the pop method returns a more specific type (int) in List[int] than in List[float] (which returns float). If List[T] were contravariant, we would expect operations that work on List[int] to work on List[float], but the narrower return type of pop() in List[int] contradicts this, making it not contravariant.


Given that the List type is neither covariant nor contravariant as demonstrated, it is termed invariant. Invariance means that you cannot substitute List[T] with List[U] or vice versa unless T and U are exactly the same type. In practical terms, a List[int] is only a List[int] and cannot be treated as a List[float], and vice versa.

The Connection of Mutability and Variance#

Covariance, by definition, allows a type C[Derived] to be treated as C[Base] if Derived is a subtype of Base. This implies that wherever a Base is expected, a Derived can be used without issue, preserving the “is-a” relationship and ensuring that any operation that expects Base can work with Derived.

When dealing with immutable structures, the operations you can perform on them are read-only. Since you cannot modify an immutable structure, you can’t perform any operation that might violate the type constraints that covariance imposes.

  1. No Mutation Means No Type Violations: Since you cannot add, remove, or change the elements of an immutable structure, there’s no risk of inserting an element of an incorrect type that might violate the expected type of the container.

  2. Read-Only Operations Are Safe: Operations on immutable structures are limited to reading or deriving new structures without altering the original. This means any operation that works on C[Base] will also work on C[Derived] because it only relies on the presence of Base type behaviors in Derived.

  3. Substitution Principle Is Preserved: The Liskov Substitution Principle, which is central to understanding subtype relationships, states that objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of a subclass without affecting the correctness of the program. Immutability ensures that this principle is not violated since the operations allowed on an immutable C[Derived] would not behave any differently if C[Derived] were replaced with C[Base].

For mutable structures, the same logic does not apply because the ability to modify the structure (e.g., adding or removing elements) introduces the possibility of violating type constraints. If you were allowed to treat a mutable container of Derived as a mutable container of Base (covariance), you could insert a Base instance into what is actually a container of Derived, breaking the type safety of the container.

List vs Immutable List#

Consider the below example:

 1class Employee:
 2    def work(self) -> None: ...
 4class Manager(Employee):
 5    def manage(self) -> None: ...
 7# Hypothetical scenario where List is treated as covariant
 8def add_new_employee_using_list(employees: List[Employee], employee: Employee) -> None:
 9    # Adding an Employee to what was originally a List[Manager]
10    employees.append(employee)  # This is where type safety is compromised
12# Assume that List[Manager] <: List[Employee]
13managers: List[Manager] = [Manager(), Manager()]
14add_new_employee_using_list(managers, employee=Employee())  # Assuming managers is treated as List[Employee]
16# Now, assuming we want to treat all elements in 'managers' as Managers and call Manager-specific methods:
18    for manager in managers:
19        manager.manage()
20except AttributeError as err:
21    print(err)
'Employee' object has no attribute 'manage'

If we naively treat List as covariant, we would be able to pass a List[Manager] to a function that expects a List[Employee] since List[Manager] is a subtype of List[Employee]. In the above example, our add_new_employee_using_list would then be able to accept a list of managers. However, this would break the type safety of the list, as we would be able to append an Employee into a list of Managers. Then downstream, when we try to treat the elements in the list as Managers, we would get an AttributeError because the elements are actually [Manager, Manager, Employee] and Employee does not have the manage method.

But if we were to use an immutable list, the type safety would be preserved because we would not be able to modify the list in a way that would break the type constraints. This is because the operations that are allowed on an immutable list are read-only, and the substitution principle is preserved.

 1_T_co = TypeVar("_T_co", covariant=True)
 3class ImmutableList(Generic[_T_co]):
 4    def __init__(self, items: List[_T_co]) -> None:
 5        self.items = items
 7    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_T_co]:
 8        return iter(self.items)
11def loop_employees(employees: ImmutableList[Employee], employee: Employee) -> None:
12    for employee in employees:
15# Assume that List[Manager] <: List[Employee]
16managers: ImmutableList[Manager] = ImmutableList([Manager(), Manager()])
17loop_employees(managers, employee=Employee())  # Assuming managers is treated as List[Employee]

In a similar fashion, using a list here would yield mypy error because they really aren’t sure what operations you would do on the list within the function.

1def loop_employees_using_list(employees: List[Employee], employee: Employee) -> None:
2    for employee in employees:
5managers: List[Manager] = [Manager(), Manager()]
6loop_employees_using_list(managers, employee=Employee())  # Assuming managers is treated as List[Employee]

will result in:

6: error: Argument 1 to "loop_employees_using_list" has incompatible type "list[Manager]"; expected "list[Employee]"  [arg-type]
    loop_employees_using_list(managers, employee=Employee())  # Assuming managers is treated as List[Employee]
6: note: "List" is invariant -- see
6: note: Consider using "Sequence" instead, which is covariant

Drawing Some Connection to Ordinary Functions#

Before we tackle the less intuitive concept of contravariance, it is good to look at an analogy.

Consider the below 3 functions:

1def covariant(x: float) -> float:
2    return 2*x
4def contravariant(x: float) -> float:
5    return -x
7def invariant(x: float) -> float:
8    return x*x
  1. Covariant Function

    The covariant function doubles its input value.

    \[ f(x) = 2x \]

    It is now fairly obvious if we understand covariant via monotonically increasing function where if \(x_1 <= x_2\), then we must have \(f(x_1) <= f(x_2)\). And this holds true for \(f(x) = 2x\) because if \(x_1 <= x_2\), then \(2x_1 <= 2x_2\).

  2. Contravariant Function

    The contravariant function negates its input value.

    \[ g(x) = -x \]

    Similarly, if we understand contravariant via monotonically decreasing function where if \(x_1 <= x_2\), then we must have \(g(x_2) <= g(x_1)\). And this holds true for \(g(x) = -x\) because if \(x_1 <= x_2\), then \(-x_2 <= -x_1\).

  3. Invariant Function

    The invariant function squares its input value.

    \[ h(x) = x^2 \]

    Here it more of a idempotent or just non-monotonic function. It does not preserve the ordering of the input value.

Contravariant and Callable Types#

Functions, as we know it, is a first class citizens in Python. This means that functions can be passed around as arguments, returned from other functions, and assigned to variables. This is why we can use the Callable type to represent functions.

Callable Return Types (Covariance)#

When we talk about the return type of a callable (e.g., a function) being covariant, we mean that a function’s return type can be substituted with its subtype without affecting the correctness of the program. This is straightforward and intuitive:

  • If you have a function expected to return an Employee, a function that returns a Manager (assuming Manager is a subclass of Employee) can be used instead because every Manager is an Employee. This substitution follows the intuitive direction of the subtype relationship.

  • Callable[[], Manager] is a subtype of Callable[[], Employee] because the function’s return value (a Manager) can be used in any context that expects an Employee, following the principle that a subclass instance can be used wherever a superclass instance is expected.

 1def process_employee(get_employee: Callable[[], Employee]) -> None:
 2    employee = get_employee()
 3    print(
 5# A function that returns an Employee instance
 6def get_employee() -> Employee:
 7    return Employee()
 9# A function that returns a Manager instance
10def get_manager() -> Manager:
11    return Manager()

Consequently, Callable is covariant in its return type.

Callable Argument Types (Contravariance)#

Contravariance for argument types in callable types is where it gets counterintuitive for many. If a callable is contravariant in its argument type, it means that you can pass a callable that accepts a more general type in place of one that accepts a more specific type. This might seem backward at first, but it makes sense when you consider the principle of substitutability (LSP) from the caller’s perspective:

  • If a function is designed to handle a Manager as its input, you can safely replace it with a function designed to handle any Employee, because the latter can deal with Manager instances (being a specific kind of Employee) and more.

  • Callable[[Employee], None] is a subtype of Callable[[Manager], None]. This is because a function capable of dealing with any Employee can, by definition, deal with a Manager (a specific kind of Employee).

 1class CEO(Employee):
 2    def manage(self) -> None: ...
 3    def fire(self) -> None: ...
 5def process_employee(employee: Employee) -> None:
 6    """This function has type `Callable[[Employee], None]`."""
 9def process_manager(manager: Manager) -> None:
10    """This function has type `Callable[[Manager], None]`."""
12    manager.manage()
14def process_ceo(ceo: CEO) -> None:
15    """This function has type `Callable[[CEO], None]`."""
17    ceo.manage()
20def assign_project(employee: Employee, process: Callable[[Employee], None]) -> None:
21    process(employee)

Now we ask if we can assign process_manager of type Callable[[Manager], None] to process_employee of type Callable[[Employee], None] (i.e. process_employee = process_manager)? Can we safely substitute process_employee with process_manager? If we can do that, then Callable[[Manager], None] is a subtype of Callable[[Employee], None]. We cannot do this:

1my_good_employee: Employee = Employee()
3    assign_project(employee=my_good_employee, process=process_manager)
4except AttributeError as err:
5    print(err)
'Employee' object has no attribute 'manage'

This is because process_manager expects a Manager and not just any Employee. This is where contravariance comes into play. It allows us to safely substitute a function that expects a more specific type with one that expects a more general type. This is because the function that expects a more general type can handle the more specific type and more.

More concretely, can we assign process_employee to process_manager? This is counterintuitive because we are more used to a subtype \(S\) being able to replace a supertype \(T\) and not the other way around.

1def assign_project(manager: Manager, process: Callable[[Manager], None]) -> None:
2    process(manager)
4my_manager: Manager = Manager()
5assign_project(manager=my_manager, process=process_employee)

This will be fine because process_employee can handle a Manager instance since Manager is a subclass of Employee. More verbosely, in process_employee, we accept an Employee instance that may have \(N\) functions/methods, but we know for a fact any subclass of Employee will have at least the same \(N\) functions/methods. So we can safely pass a Manager instance to process_employee. Consequently, Callable is contravariant in its argument type.

One more good example from PEP 483:

In the salary calculation example:

from decimal import Decimal

def calculate_all(lst: List[Manager], salary: Callable[[Manager], Decimal]):

A Callable[[Employee], Decimal] can indeed replace a Callable[[Manager], Decimal] because the former can handle not just Manager instances but any Employee, making it a safe and more general substitution. This adheres to the principle that functions that operate on broader types can replace those that operate on more specific types within the context of function arguments.

Real World Examples of Covariance and Contravariance#

References and Further Readings#