Context Object Pattern (God Object)#
Although some say it’s an anti-pattern if used improperly, I think if used properly, it can be a very powerful pattern as it empowers data sharing and encapsulation. The tagline God Object To Rule Them All is indeed true and can be difficult to maintain - but if you compose them well, then each sub-component can be decoupled and each sub-component can be tested and maintained independently.
Especially in machine learning and deep learning, it’s very common to have a lot of parameters and configurations that are needed for the system to run, and it’s very easy to end up with a billion of hyperparameters and configurations. People would then try to group all these parameters into a single object, which is the god object.
See the series of articles on config management and you will see how I composed the configurations into a single object.
Link to state and config and metadata management.
Closely related to:
Dependency Injection
Service Locator
Context Object
Parameter Object
Some will say god object if it stores too many things
So you can compose them!
Link to dataclass and data class code smell.